JLPT July 2023

Hell ya! I also signed up for the JLPT 2023 in July and got accepted for N3. It’s a challenge, but I 頑張って!

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Yeah, and more frequent options too.
NAT test seems quite similar to JLPT but is much more often.

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Just out of curiosity, how long have you been studying japanese for that you’ve come to the conclusion to abort the N3?

Personally, I’m aiming for N3 in December next year, however my serious studies only really began since april last year.
I sometimes wonder if this is “biting off more than one can chew” as well…

A long while but on and off and not really seriously tbh. My time spent is pretty sporadic and I don’t interact with the language nearly as much as I should for someone living in Japan.

I just knew I would fail when I started trying to read manga and realized I had retained nearly zero of everything I’d studied from N4 Bunpro and most of N5. I started over and am hoping to reatain more this time while doing more reading.

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I just signed up for N3!! Little nervous that I might not be ready but I’m excited!


It’s interesting to read about everyone’s study plans, so I thought I would share mine too.

I just started studying Japanese in Feb and will sit the N5 in July. Not too exciting compared with others here going for N3 and N2, but it’s a start :slight_smile: I’m studying 1:1 with a private teacher and hoping to make lots of progress this year and next before leaving Asia (~not living in Japan). I can speak and read Chinese, so I think that should help with vocab. But the grammar is tough! Hence Bunpro :wink:

Anyway, good luck everyone!


Less than 2 months to go! :hushed:
Happy preparation, everyone.


Let’s all do our best! Best of luck to everyone taking the exam in July.


Advance warning! :warning:
The time when you think “oh no, the test is much sooner than I thought, so I should really stop procrastinating” is fast approaching!


Surprised to get an invitation for an official JLPT practice test.
No cost is mentioned, so I guess it’s free?
But it seems almost pointless because you only get results after the actual JLPT test and it says the practice test doesn’t exactly follow the test format of the real JLPT anyway :thinking:

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100% certain that’s official? Sounds like some scam email from a JLPT practice site that’s gotten your email address.

I was feeling good about the N1 until last night. I have been occasionally doing was I assume are leaked listening tests from previous years on Youtube and was pretty much getting 75% to 80% of the answers correct consistantly. I tried out a 2018 test but it might as well have been in a different language. Got less than half the answers correct. Even looking directly at the script, I couldn’t really work out what the answers were a lot of the time. Feels bad, man. These difficulty fluctuations are really frustrating.


It looks official at least - a branded envelope, with leaflet and application postcard :thinking:

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I have heard of this being offered to people before and know some people who took it.

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Cool, do you know if they thought it was worth taking or not?

I definitely agree that the tests vary wildly in difficulty.
All this stuff about scaling using a mysterious process which takes weeks and months to complete … surely they could put that effort into trying to make the tests a bit more similar in terms of difficulty :thinking:

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I’m not sure to be honest, but it’s obviously intended more as a dry run for the people organising and running the exam rather than for the exam taker.


Yeah, that was my thinking too.
Bizarre that they come up with a whole set of extra materials for it though - it must cost them a fair amount.

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You should do it! Taking multiple practice tests before the real one made me feel confident on the day because the practice tests are nearly identical to the real one. Same question formats, same difficulty. Could be a good way to gauge your progress or to realize that you’re actually more ready than you expected.


1 month to go :scream: :crazy_face: :hot_face:

Make it the best month of preparation ever.

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What kinds of exam techniques are you using?

Given the weird scoring and the way the papers are structured, it seems like it’s a good idea to focus on the reading part more than grammar in the reading/grammar paper (for the levels which have that paper).

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