Lost streak

From the FAQs: (links directly to “What is Cram?”)


I lost my streak too the other day though I didn’t skip a day (or so I think) :thinking:


Any chance that it would be implemented soon?
I will have no internet connection for roughly 25 hours during my upcoming travels and I would really hate for my streak to be ended like this. =(

By the way, is vacation mode supposed to protect the streak?
It currently doesn’t, as I just found out. Guess that could be mentioned in the settings where the Vacation mode is activated, so next time, I know beforehand :sweat_smile:


Damn, I know your feeling, I almost had a year streak and somehow (I don’t even know why) I was resetted.

(I think my timezone was 1h off, and when I did my review at 23:00 it was actually already 24:00…game over)

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As a more general / ‘meta’ point:

The idea of tracking ‘streaks’ is useful (better than not having it, IMO), but I think it’s really only a ‘first approximation’ of what people really want to track, which is their own ‘consistency’ or ‘consistent progress’.

For this purpose a person’s ‘streak’ is probably only useful for short periods of time, like days or weeks, maybe a couple of months, but not on the scale of say a whole year. It’s very very difficult to stay 100% consistent on the scale of 1+ years, yet having, say 99.5% consistency (missing only 2 days out of a year) is still a very worthwhile ‘high score’ for a person to celebrate to enhance their long-term motivation.

So, perhaps it would be good to have one or more additional statistics to more accurately model ‘consistency’ over the long-term rather than relying only on the ‘all or nothing’ approximation of the 'streak.

Anyone interested in this issue who’s handy with scripts could probably come up with a straight-forward add-on script that does such simple calculations, without requiring the BunPro team to build it into the system. On the other hand, with a more built-in feature, it can be tied to things like new badges and whatnot.

Just some ideas! :blush:


a thread for my woes (was originally gonna start a new post)…lost my streak this morning after 111 (nice number too!) days of commitment…my highest yet (possibly for any daily commitment) … gutted. :sob::disappointed_relieved::persevere:
I wonder how far I was from my next streak badge…

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@arrietty Hey, life happens! Streak reinstated.

You will just have to find that out yourself! :yum:

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Oh man, me too!! Apparently I missed May 16th and broke my 100+ streak that I’d had since I started bunpro :(. Otherwise, no missed days. To be just a little dramatic, I was crushed when I found out I had missed a day because I’ve obviously been trying to work it into my life every single day.

I agree and echo the proposals above. Is anything being developed for any of the suggested streak improvements?
-Opt-in email reminders at a set time if you are in danger of losing a streak.
-Study consistency percentage tracker over the last month, several months, year (lifetime?).
-Streak “get out of jail free” once per year or something.


just done it again 116 days later :tired_face::sob:!!Got me silver 200 day badge and was curious to see if 300 days was gold but it will be a while now…

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What confuses me is that I remember losing my streak only once in May, and I have not lost it since then, but my stats page has three white boxes. Unfortunately my memory is not good enough to be able to claim that I did actually review on those days but I’ve always been wondering if I just did the reviews too late at night or something…

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Same for me.
Something I realised is that simply by hitting the review button, your streak goes up. You don’t actually have to complete a review.

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That feels like a bug… How weird!

I’ve been checking bunpro once a day every morning. My streak broke when on one day in the 150 days that I’ve been checking it didn’t have a review because I had few fails due to a low stress week. Even if you check the website every day, you can still break your streak. Kitsun.io by contrast says I have a streak of 325 days. I’ve been using this website longer and I have not managed to break 200, nor am I likely to so long as it’s set up this way.

Just checking the site itself isn’t enough, you need to do a review. Or at least click on review and look at that, I guess. I think cram works the same way, and should keep your streak should there be no reviews.


I, too do reviews daily since last year never missing a day out.

Unfortunately I now also have a blank spot in the list from this year february, though my streak did not start over and kept on going (So the day definitely had reviews done). I also always checked to do more than 20 reviews a day so that it shows no red spots. Unfortunately some of the days are showing now under 21 even if I definitely know that I did at least 21 a day. So I think there happened something in the system where a few datas were lost or something like that?

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Did you change your timezone in the BP settings or something? AFAIK, that recalculates things.

I have the same issue. I had a clear 21+ streak all October so far, just realised that one day about a week ago is now suddenly red for no reason. Certainly no timezone changes whatsoever. Had the same issue in September too.

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@mrnoone can I please be a pain and ask you to reinstate my almost 2-year study streak? I have a reminder set on my phone each day so I have no idea how I missed it but…
As a birthday present? Please?

sorry to hear, ouch, that would be very frustrating😟!

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