Reviews 2.0, and a whole lot more! [Beta]

Getting a scroll bar when there’s a lot of alt answers

Link to grammar point

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Also i got a never ending loading icon after my reviews today, I don’t have any more reviews right now to try to reproduce this but Ill try again later and see if it happens again! Just thought I’d let yall know!

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Thanks for the updates!
Will bring out a fix for the scroll-bar issue. Hopefully the Reviews issue is a one-off.
Will keep my eye out on this thread as always

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You’re using Firefox yeah? Strange, when I was discussing this earlier with Sean I tested it on FF myself a couple of times and didn’t have it pop up. Thanks though for more proof! :sunglasses:


Bug fix request. I don’t know if it has already been mentioned since there’s a lot been said. If so, just ignore me.
When I wrap up a session and have a review to complete from a previous wrong answer, it doesn’t recognise the first character I input. So if the answer was です, it would input as す. I don’t suppose it really matters since it’s already an answer marked incorrectly, but it is a bit frustrating.

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Yep using Firefox!! :sunglasses:

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I’m noticing the “Great! Could you say it another way?” hint is stuck and won’t go away, even when advancing to the next review


Yeah I spoke about this with @veritas_nz when I woke up this morning after doing my reviews, a fix should be coming for it relatively soon fingers crossed!

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Ah, I didn’t realise there were two places on the dashboard and one of them takes you to Learn 1.0 but the other takes you to Learn 2.0!

For the avoidance of doubt:


Here, A takes me to Learn 1.0.
What I didn’t realise is that B takes me to Learn 2.0 :laughing:

Regarding quizzes, I didn’t realise that Learn 2.0 only launches quizzes at the end of a “lesson”.
I’m not sure about the relevance of “lessons” and don’t really pay attention to them as an unnecessary bit of extra information (lesson number, where you are up to in a lesson, etc.).
I just do one grammar point at a time until I’ve had enough, rather than the fixed batch of however many grammar points there are in a lesson, which would almost certainly be too much in one go for me before hitting a quiz!

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Sorry to report another thing:

When doing reviews and it’s taking a while to load, I keep pressing Enter, but then I noticed a red flash on screen and saw that my number of incorrect answers is going up.
Anyway, after “wrapping up” questions that I hadn’t actually seen, I didn’t get them marked as wrong on the summary at the end, which I guess is a good thing.

Normally, something like “Please input hiragana” appears and the question won’t be marked right or wrong when pressing Enter when answering a question, but I guess during the question-loading period, something else happens.

This is probably something relatively low on your list of priorities, mainly because it is an issue with a 3rd-party extension. Still, I’ve often used Yomichan in order to grab definitions of words I don’t recognize in sentence reviews in order to learn them in Anki. It not only captures the word but the entire sentence itself, which is great when studying with context; however, with this beta, it’s been grabbing more than just the sentence. It seems to be grabbing all the text in the top right (ゴースト, as well as the numbers coming after it). Here’s an example:

And here’s the resulting sentence that comes out of it.
ゴースト 10/042それは会社もいいアイデアですね。

Again, I’d understand if you guys choose not to pursue playing around with your HTML so that it abides with Yomichan’s sentence grabber again, but it would be really nice to see happen if possible :slight_smile: Keep up the good work on this beta, I’ve been enjoying it so far!


bug report: review shown as correct when getting it wrong, then wrapping up without going to next review

steps to reproduce:

  1. start reviews
  2. write a (あ) as answer
  3. hit enter (just once, not twice = going to next review!)
  4. click wrap up in the top left

Also, this doesn’t record the review in the statistics (it still said 0 reviews for today after this in the review activity graph)

Btw, seconding the Yomichan sentence grab issue, it’s an essential tool for me.

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Does this similar type of issue occur on any other websites? I’ve read past examples of the same type of issue on reddit, etc. before. I just tested doing it on Twitter a couple of times and it also has the same issue where despite only selecting the text in question, it also pulls in other information like the users’ twitter handle, etc. inside the Anki field.

Obviously want to fix any issues however we can, but just want to rule out whether or not this is a yomichan/browser issue itself or if it’s solely just a Bunpro thing. Any help from you (or anyone else really!) would be super helpful :octopus:


A probable bug on the summary page: I made a mistake on an item in a review session and then ended the review session early before it came back again for a second attempt. This resulted in the missed item being listed as correct on the summary page.
When I completed my next review session the item came back and was the correctly listed as missed in the summary.

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It does occasionally have issues with other sites’ formatting; however, I mainly wanted to point out the issue because it is something that the previous version of the sentence reviews could do, but now no longer does. My main concern is that it works with you guys because of the disproportionate amount of words I grab from here vs any other site. It might be worth me trying to create a bug report on their GitHub, but seeing has how they have over 180 bug reports and their code hasn’t been worked on in months (plus, I don’t know if there will ever be a “perfect” solution to deciphering where sentences begin and end in HTML), I figured I would post the concern here, with greater hopes that a resolution can be found, at least on this site.

I can confirm this is an issue on Firefox, as well as Chrome.


Yeah I totally get where you’re coming from, thanks for bringing it to our attention. I’ve used yomichan for years and I somehow never knew about the sentence feature, never thought to try it out! Ever since you brought it up I’ve been testing it on a bunch of websites today and forwarding my findings to @veritas_nz

Hopefully the team can figure out what worked before vs now and nip this annoying problem in the bud~


Day 8 bugfixes are here!

The moment you all (well, some of you) have been waiting for - An overhaul of the mobile (and optionally, desktop) layouts!

Layout Overhaul

Optional fixed height & widths

On larger devices, clicking the ‘screen’ icon in the top-left will open up the Display menu. Here you can switch between having a full-screen or fixed-height page layout.

  • Previously, fixed-height mode was forced on users that had smaller screens or touch screens. This led to a bad user experience, especially for users that had physical keyboards attached to tablets
  • We’ve now given you the choice on how you want the screen to display
  • Fixed-height mode now fixes the Quiz screen to be set height (530px high)
  • This also much more closely resembles the old Reviews layout – so hopefully users that are pining for that to be back will also find it satisfactory!

Also in the Display menu, you can also choose to toggle between having a fixed-width too.

  • Note that, for devices where this setting would be irrelevant (sub-1280px devices), this option is not there, and is instead replaced by the ‘Use Fullscreen’ option

Here are all the possible layout combinations on desktop screens:

Fixed width fixed height

Full height fixed width

Fixed height, full width

Full height full width

On mobile, the Hint button now always is available – regardless of if you’ve answered the question or not

Alternate answer carousel is now beneath the question

The alternate-answer carousel has moved places. It used to be above the input, and would take over the post-attempt submenu (where the Undo, Show Info, and See Answer buttons are). This carousel stood out far too much and got in the way. Not good.

Now, it is much smaller and has been moved to where the ‘leading-hint’ gets displayed.

Grammar Info now always displays beneath the quiz

  • We tried displaying the Grammar Info inside of the drawer on mobile, but this was a bit clunky.
  • Now, the Grammar Points display directly beneath the quiz, as they do on desktop.

Updated SRS info

In the top right of the screen lies the SRS info. This has got a juicy update too!

  • Now when you get a question right or wrong, it will change color and number to represent your new level.
  • Also, the icon next to it will tell you what type of question it is – whether it is a custom study review, a Ghost review, or a regular review.

regular-review custom-review

ghost-slain level-up

Anyway, thanks for the patience guys!

@Gunta @TobyOne @chicharron @severian @Kioshen @Marcus @Marcus.W @bunnypro @CursedKitsune

Other Fixes & Changes

  • Hints should now properly reset after entering a correct answer/question change
  • Scrollbar appearing in the alternate-answers carousel

Next on the list

  • Fix bug that is causing Grammar Info to not show
    • This is the big one at large.
    • If anyone has any information that could lead to the solving of this bug, please send me a DM with what happened before the bug occured
  • Reviews gradient banding (visual bug) on Firefox
  • Add SRS progress badges to the bottom of the Grammar Point page
  • More Yomichan research and fixes
    • May or may not be a Bunpro problem, but will take a look!
    • @MC_2018 @Saimin
  • Stop ability to interact with the quiz while it’s loading
  • Strange results on the Summary screen when ending on a half-finished answer

Really glad to see things taking the step that we have been discussing for years come to fruition, great feeling.


We have a feeling this last patch will really improve tons of things. Like always, we read all of your comments and feedback! Hoping this helps you guys reach your language learning goals!


Mobile + auto expand is going to be my new method going forward, SO beautiful :hot_face: