Reviews 2.0, and a whole lot more! [Beta]

It looks like there was a bug that prevented your streak from properly being updated. You can most likely use the Recalculate Streak option here to restore it. If not, please send me a DM with what your streak was and I will manually update it.

Sorry for the trouble everyone!



Bug1: I can not use the “grammar info”. Nothing happens when I press the button, and pressing the shortcut “f” does nothing.

Bug2: The shortcut “enter” (for next review) does not work when I have clicked something else. For example, if I clicked “show multiple answers” or use my mouse for the audio, the enter shortcut does nothing and I have to click the “next question” arrow button with my mouse, which is annoying. If this is not a bug but a feature, I do not think it should be (enter will pause the audio if I use the mouse for playing it, but this is not useful).

Request1: I find the audio bar useless and just annoying to get displayed so clearly. I would prefer if it simply was not there, or if I had the option to remove it.

Of course, great work by everyone! Sorry if some of the feedback above has already been mentioned.

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I was seriously hyping this because I hated so much the previous reviewer, specially as a guy coming from Anki. It loos very nice, indeed, but regarding the user experience there’s a lot of room for improvement.

For example, why the hell must I forcefully type something in order to see the answer? Seriously, why? When learning new material I’m very likely to not remember the answer, not even misspelling it. I just wanna see the damn answer and go forward, but instead I have to type a random string and then hope that I don’t push the wrong key and move to the next card without even having the chance to see the right answer. Because remember, there’s no way to go backwards!

Second, why must I click on “Show answer”? It should be shown when hitting enter on the input field. But not only that, I must hit Enter TWICE in order to move forward. Again, with no answer being displayed until is manually triggered.

Guys, you have all the potential in the world, your explanations are impeccable and second to none, but when it comes to the SRS system, what should be THE flagship feature, you are being left behind.

Why are you trying to reinvent the wheel so much? Seriously, what’s wrong with the reliable and battle-tested SRS review system that most apps have?


Sometimes, when I really don’t know the answer and just want to see what it is (here, and on WK and Kitsun), I just type random letters and get it wrong, just to see the answer.

But it is always better if, instead of typing random letters, I actually stop and think for a bit and give it my best shot. And sometimes (just sometimes) I actually get it right!

Being forced to type in an answer is, surely, the entire point?!


Appreciate the honest feedback! This is why we put it into beta first so we can add and adjust a lot of things to create the best experience.


I just finished my first batch of reviews with the new system, and it worked very well. The biggest improvement I immediately noticed was performance. I’ve also had an issue in the past with audio that was laggy and got cut off, but that seems to be fixed as well :smiley:

I have one suggestion, which is to give an additional indicator whether the answer is correct or not. The light animation at the bottom is nice, but I think the only differentiator between right and wrong is the color, right? Or did I miss something? On a dim screen, it’s hard to tell the difference. An option just to show a small check or X or circle or “バカ!” or whatever would be helpful.

I have one bug to report as well, which is that my dashboard shows 2 reviews now, but there are no reviews available when I click the review button. I’m guessing that’s because I got 2 wrong in my last set of reviews so I generated 2 ghosts.


When switching from the beta for grammar reviews to the old UI for the vocabulary, I must say that I find the old layout is easier to scan. All the information is positioned toward the center. The progress bar is very prominent and allows me to gauge how many reviews are left even without focusing on it. In the new layout, everything moves towards the edges of the screen, everything is open, and there is nothing guiding the eyes.

Also, with the background color transition, I think an option to disable all transitions and animations might be good to have.


I’m using mobile, and once the answer is entered and correct, I no longer have the option to ‘show hint’ or do anything to see the full english. This means I can’t check my translation attempt, which I always do as part of the reviews.

Overall I love the update, and it looks amazing on pc, but theres a few small usabilty issues with mobile still (which i think was mentioned so I’m sure it wilo get sorted with time).
I use the mobile web page as the app still runs reeeaally slow for me


I hope it will continue to be required to write the answer, for my personally that works much better for my grammar learning.


Audio plays random sentances.

Video is only available for 24 hours.

I did a report on the card when, she talked about an umbrella.

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I don’t know how other people tend to do it, but I pace how many new study items I have based on how many items in the beginner level. I try to keep it below a certain number of items, this leads to smaller amount reviews I need to do on a given day. On the summary page, it’d be nice to see how many (beginner level) items I have so I can know if I can jump straight into studying a few new items. This is more meaningful to me than what things I got wrong/right in the review session. If I got it wrong, I’ll be seeing it again soon.

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Hey @odansama!

I appreciate the honest feedback, I was wondering if you’d be comfortable letting me pick your brain a little bit over DMs? Reviews are fundamental to the service and we want to do the best experience we can for everyone, and your feedback will help us build it.

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Hi, for sure, no worries! I love the site and I’d be glad to help :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Also sorry if my comment came off as aggressive. After having some sleep I re-read the comment and noticed some strong words.



Sent you the DM!

And don’t worry about it! If anything it means you’re passionate about what you’re doing. :sunglasses: Cheers!


New header ft “no more lessons” edgecase bug. Got me wondering whether new grammar points had been added.

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My understanding of the xp bar system is not very good but it doesn’t seem to go up when I use reviews 2.0 instead of the regular one.

Also, the new system doesn’t seem to have a way to quickly peek at the grammar explanation and then importantly go back to the question using keyboard shortcuts. I might be missing something obvious.

Like TobyOne already said, the enter shortcut seems to get hijacked very easily and kinda breaks the navigation flow during reviews.

Hi! New Bunpro user here, been here for a month and recently purchased a lifetime subscription. Loving this site, thank you for all your hard work!

So I switched to Reviews 2.0 a couple of days ago and I’ve noticed a strange bug. After completing a review session, certain grammar points that I reviewed don’t even appear in the summary, or they appear but are marked incorrectly (marked as wrong even though I got them right). I’m using Chrome on Mac.
I didn’t seem to have this issue before switching, should I stick with reviews 1.0 till this gets resolved?


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The inability to go backwards (even if it is only for the last answer) is still missing. Sometimes I confidently and quickly put an answer in (normally for something very easy) without reading the sentence and mash enter and I have a typo or something and accidentally have set something very easy and which I definitely know back by a level. I know this is kinda my fault but being able to go back and change the answer is something I consider relatively basic. JPDB has this feature, for example. I know you can change the answer with the oops button/backspace but once you move on it is gone forever.

I only have 18 incorrect answers ever for N5 level stuff and I am pretty sure more than half of those are from the situation I described above.

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Just spotted a big problem! On reviews of self-study sentences (which I love), there is no button for “show grammar”. So if you get it wrong (or even right and want to check), there’s no link to the grammar point to see where you made your mistake.


Another thing that is missing is the little Bunpro stamps along the bottom here that showed us how far along an item was.

I know this says ‘adept 2’ but that has no visual impact and I’ve no idea if I’ve only just started studying it or am a long way along. Often I’d see row of red stamps, see that I needed more practice, and hit the re-set button. Just seeing ‘adept 2’ is less likely to make me want to do that.