Reviews 2.0 is coming out of Beta! (Soon)

That’s a weird one and seems to be more to do with the system we’re using rather than the code.
It’s related to how the app progressively loads. Might potentially be to do with the fact we just pushed an update.

Try hard reload (Ctrl + Shift + R) and let me know if you see it again!

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Looks like the error is disappeared, thanks!

One small thing
Now pressing spacebar in Japanese keyboard layout does nothing, but toggling hints is kinda expected. It would be nice to fix it if possible :relaxed:

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Bug 1. I individual grammar point, after changing from manual typing to autograde, it says ok, but in truth, nothing changes. The setting keeps apperaring as manual and so it appears in the reviewing queue.
Bug 2. In decks view, as you sugegsted, same happens. Akthough changing to cloze or flashcard all of the cards, it appears as changed in the summary view, BUT not inside the actual reviewing process and queu where everything keeps manual.

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× icon in the case of incorrect answer looks like an undo button to me :sweat_smile:


Amazing (Now we just need N2/N1 vocab decks :wink: )
Seriously though, I really appreciate this. This is a huge upgrade!


I noticed a weird interaction:

CleanShot 2023-05-04 at 12.54.46

Also 問題 should have an entry as far as I know, maybe there are some crossed wires somewhere. If there is an efficient way for me to report these let me know.


I noticed a weird interaction

Kinda confusing how we do our furigana so that strange interaction can definitely seem like a bug.

Long winded explanation as to why this is

Bunpro currently stores a user’s known kanjis as exactly that, known kanjis (not known words/kanji combos).
You have to “know” both kanji for the furigana to be hidden in a word. If you don’t know even one the kanji inside the word , it will mark it as unknown, and show you the entire furigana.

議題 and 問題 share the kanji 「題」.
So what I’m assuming has happened, is that you have both 議 and 問 already marked as known, so when you toggle either word, it marks 題 as known/unknown, which then affects the other word.

We’re currently talking about a new system where we can mark readings as known/unknown on a per-word basis, not on per kanji basis

Also 問題 should have an entry as far as I know

Yeah it should. The attachment between the text and the entry needs to be set manually, and this hasn’t been done for a large portion of our content yet.
We’re trying to automate the addition of this connection so we don’t have to do them all manually.

Anyway hope this clears things up for you and anyone else curious!
Hope it made sense too :sweat_smile:


Oh my god, I just happened across this at random during my reviews today, and I absolutely love it! :raised_hands:


I had noticed this before and wondered, now I totally get it, not so much a bug, but a consequence of design choices. I don’t necessarily dislike it, just wasn’t sure it it was intended or not.


Thank you so much for the crammed missed items button!


It’s very nice to see the cram button has been activated, I think that will become part of my daily review process now to give the troublesome points some extra attention.


You guys were way too sneaky about activating the cram button in your summary page.
That one warrants its own Post and Notification.
Nice job.


Thank you for adding XP numbers back!
Any chances slightly increasing font size, e.g to .7rem from .625? It feels to me strong eyes are required now :sweat_smile:

I found this thing is clickable by pure accident

It would be nice to make it obvious in some way.


It’s not so much a feature issue as it is a performance/implementation issue, but: there’s been an occasional issue, in my usage of Reviews 2.0, where it takes 10-20 seconds after I submit my answer before the “Show Info” button works, presumably due to loading delays on the info behind said button.

(This didn’t never happen, in the old review UI, but it’s felt a lot more common since the jump to the new one; thus it seems worth reporting.)


The light/dark settings do not automatically swap when I change my browser settings. They apply upon reload, but I would appreciate it if happened in real time, like the color blind or color focus settings. Maybe throw the toggle into the color palette setting.

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Same for me. I thought something can be wrong with my internet connection, but looks like it isn’t the case :thinking:
Sometimes it doesn’t load at all, hanging forever.

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Am I correct in thinking that the new cram feature does not count towards the totals for cram sessions shown on the stats page for some reason?

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I have a feature suggestion:
If audio autoplay is turned on, then it would be nice to preload audio while doing a quiz to prevent those freezes when audio loads and plays simultaneously.


If I answer a grammar question incorrectly in reviews 2.0, and I ask to see the right answer, the correct answer is always shown in kanji.
You know, … that’s great … except for all of the cases where my mistake is in how I had tried to write the kanji itself. In those cases, this default display is at best not helpful, at worst just feels like it is rubbing things into my face.

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Hopefully you’ll be able to see the correct furigana for the kanji by moving your pointer over the kanji, or a similar action, possibly depending on what settings you have selected.

Personally, I think if the answers were spelled out in hiragana, it would take a lot longer to read and digest in many cases because it’s less clear where “words” start and stop, and the answer would also be longer in most cases, involving more symbols to read.

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It seems the cram session after the review does not work properly as it “looses” the last item.
For example I just completed a review session where I got three items to cram, I then processed all three in a session but the result screen shows me that I did to correctly and one as “remaining”.

Also it seems the cram done this does not update the totals on the statistics page.

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