Reviews 2.0 is coming out of Beta! (Soon)


Thanks for the feedback,

Weird… I haven’t seen that bug.
Sometimes I get flashes of the furigana coming into/out of existence, but never the answers.

What browsers are you two using?
And have you noticed it recently or has it always been like that?

Firefox, and think it’s a recent thing.

Actually, during wrap-up, I don’t mind it and have got used to it, because if I already got those items wrong, I can “relearn” them instead of further random guessing repeatedly until finally completing the session, after which the ones I got wrong have usually all got further mixed up in my head :joy:


Google Chrome baby, official web browser of all possum enthusiasts.

I got a screenshot of what it looks like:
text bug
This is during a standard review session during the wrap up part.

After less then a second the text does go away.

It almost looks like it’s pulling the incorrect review I did earlier, showing it for a tiny bit before it realizes it should refresh the review because I’m trying to do it away. I don’t know how you fancy code wizards do it any of it but I hope this helps.

Thanks for your responsiveness @veritas_nz!

Unfortunately it seems there must be something else going on, as the page still isn’t responding to the spacebar while in Hiragana mode. (I did pop open Chrome’s dev tools and do a cache clear and hard reload just to be sure I wasn’t getting an old cached copy of the page.)

I did discover one other thing though - if I hit the spacebar in Hiragana mode, while the main input is not in focus the hint toggle will work a single time. After that, the main input will immediately take focus, at which point the hint toggle stops working again (until I manually unfocus it again).

In case it’s helpful, here’s a quick video showing the problem in action, including the weird focused/unfocused behavior differentiation. I also try out a few other modes like Katakana, and confirmed that the issue appears in those modes as well.

Of course, I can work around this by just always switching back to Alphanumeric input when on the site, so if this ends up being too deep a rabbit hole to go down, I’d totally understand!


Thanks for all the details and stuff guys.
That is indeed pretty borked. I’ll have a look into it and see if I can replicate it.

Might be the animation library or something.
If you guys notice any more conditions to recreate the bug please do let me know!

EDIT: Seems to be only during wrap-up. Fixed and will be out in the next update (probably tomorrow)

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Yeah I assume it’s potentially the IME getting in the way…
Especially if the issue only happens when inputting into the textbox

You seem pretty tech-savvy, so can I ask you to try this plz?

  1. Open the Chrome Dev tools and open the console
  2. Enter in this:
    • window.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => console.log("'" + e.key + "'"));
  3. Click back on the main Reviews screen, hit the Spacebar with the IME enabled
  4. Note what it says in the console and report back here

Reviews is listening for the Space key, but I’m afraid Windows IME might be modifying the resultant key

Another thing to check, does Shift + Space work?

… including the weird focused/unfocused behavior differentiation …

Yeah that’s a feature not a bug.
Toggling the Hint will always result in the input-textbox being refocused.
So when you’re not focusing on the input and the Spacebar is working, the textbox gets focused

Thanks for all the detail btw!

It would be really useful and save a lot of time writing synonyms in manually if all vocab which includes “or” (there are a lot of these!) can be accepted whichever order you write it in, i.e. “A or B” is marked as correct and “B or A” is also marked as correct.

For example:


Done! (And yep, I’m a web developer too)

Gotta say, it’s the last possible result I would have expected though.

First I hit space in Alphanumeric mode, then again in Hiragana mode:

We got the string Process… Huh? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I ran some additional tests and found that e.code is Space, and even weirder e.keyCode is 229! And every single JavaScript keycode list I can find online stops at 222. :upside_down_face:

After researching even further, I found a reference to the “PROCESS KEY” in some of Microsoft’s docs, as well as in this stackoverflow post.

Given that the spacebar in Windows’ IME is used both for generating spaces and for converting your input into the correct format (be that kanji, katakana, or some combination) I guess that key gets its own keycode?


And if you're curious here's what Bing (née ChatGPT) had to say on the subject.

Here is its primary reference, fwiw.


Ah, forgot to respond to these:

Shift + Space gives the same result in all cases.

And yeah, totally makes sense that you’d auto-focus the text box after a hint toggle - it’s a good feature! (For what it’s worth, I wasn’t calling the feature weird, just the fact that we were getting different results when the box was unfocued! :sweat_smile:)

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Yeah very good point. There are still going to be a lot of these out there unfortunately.
I don’t want to do this with code given the amount of exceptions there probably are.

The best thing you can do is submit a Report and ask for more to be added as accepted-answers.
We’ve been keeping up with the feedback recently so your request should be answered relatively soon.

Thanks again for all the research!
That saves me a looot of time. I’ll try add Process to the list of keys.
Gonna post another update really soon.

Pre-release Review changes #5.1

Some more minor bug fixes before release


  • Add an alert in the Review Type Menu to alert if there is no Fill-in (Cloze) question data available for a Vocab
    • We currently only have Fill-in questions for N5 and N3
    • Currently, for Vocab without data, trying to change to Fill-in will just revert it back to the Translate type, which is a confusing interaction
    • @UncleApee and I’m sure a bunch of other users reported this problem
    • The Deck Setting menu works the same as before. No changes there
  • Added the ‘Finish Session?’ modal before directly wrapping-up/quitting the Quiz
    • To stop users that accidentally hit the 0 hotkey being suddenly wrapped-up/quit on, we added an intermediary ‘Finish Session?’ modal
    • The relevant button will displayed first (Wrap up if can wrap up / Finish Session if can’t wrap up)
    • This first relevant button is focused, so hitting Enter will activate it
    • Hitting the 0 hotkey will also activate it
    • Hopefully this helps with any accidental hotkeying. Let us know if it feels weird @HotAirGun @ahewgill
  • Fix a bug where the answer for the next Vocab question would show for an instant during wrap-up
  • Allow Spacebar to be accepted as the Hint hotkey in Japanese Microsoft IME mode

So a while back, it was stated that reading style (like in cram) would become available for grammar reviews. Is there a timeline on that?

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If I recall correctly how the last conversation about that went, we are not going to SRS test on Grammar Reading.

However, eventually we are going to move Cram over to the new Reviews 2.0 system.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

I was referring to what was mentioned here and then here. When did that change, and why?

We already have implemented the Anki style for Grammar, if that’s what you’re referring to?
Looks like this:


It can be activated at the bottom of the Grammar Point page, much like with Vocab!
It’s sliiightly different to the Reading practice style in Cram, so not sure if it’s what you’re after

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Thanks. I think I can use that essentially the way I want it to.
Is there a way to batch change points to work like that? Going one by one would take an unreasonably long time.

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Very true.
The Review-Type option in the Deck settings should ideally work for Grammar Points too, but for some reason it’s seemingly not.
Will check with one of the other devs and see what we can do

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Sorry for the super late reply, and welcome to the forums!

The display of characters like ěščřžýáíé is still broken in the notes while doing reviews.

I’ve figured out the reason for this. The font we use (Noto Sans Japanese) doesn’t actually support many of the characters you mentioned in your comment.
For performance reasons (Japanese Noto Sans alone is already 4mb in size) I’d be hesitant to change fonts just for this use-case.

But, if you’re comfortable doing a bit of browser fandanglery (specifically, adding CSS to the page using a script-injector browser plugin), I can show you how to fix this issue.
Send me a DM if you’re interested in learning how!

Gonna tag all relevant users that liked your post here just in case:
@HotAirGun @Sidgr @DonUnko


I like the new interface but I don’t understand one thing: if I want to use the keyboard shortcuts to scroll down to the grammar explanation, I press «f» to show the grammar info. If I want to back to the review sentence I click «i». So far so good. However if I click «f» to show the grammar info and I want to scroll down, I am forced to use the mouse. How can I scroll down a screen without using the mouse? Even the arrows and the page down/up button don’t work.

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