Update - Jan 4, 2021

Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Glad to hear that so many of you are like it! :pray:
@nekoyama @gyroninja @Kuromaku @Neko @ko_pp @HotAirGun @Pep95 @Melanthe @MZa @Ambo100 @Moje @mikeoppenheim @matt_in_mito
I have pushed the following changes live:

  • Fix for progress bar spacing
  • Toggle for hourly breakdown of reviews
  • Removed the redundant “Now” column
  • Fixed issues with progress bars loading twice
  • Fixed issues with the way banner
  • Fixed math with summary, oops :sweat:
  • Changed the study tile to calculate if you actually have any or are at the end of a JLPT level.
  • Changed how assets are served to hopefully solve some speed issues

Thanks again for the words of encouragement as well as the harsh criticism. While the former is easier to hear, receiving the latter is still an important part of making Bunpro better.


Thank you very much for that, it is a wonderful feature.


Oh my god that was so quick! Thank you for your dedication :blush:


We have a review process before changes are pushed live and when a change is a mess or disappointing, we say so and click the thumbs down icon and then it gets fixed before customers see it.

Sometimes Americans try to give me participation awards when I fail; I hate it when they do that. It’s really difficult to do my job properly when the difference in responses between great, good, bad, and terrible is so tiny.

Anyway I see some of the issues have already been fixed, so thumbs up for that.

Eh review processes aren’t a silver bullet, they don’t catch everything and are less effective in small teams… Even in large teams things still slip through. We do exploratory/user testing and have about 15 touch points before we even start dev, sometimes you simply don’t know about an allergic reaction until you push it out because you’re just too close to the product, this is why AB tests exist. WIth smaller teams sometimes it can be more effective just to fail fast and respond quickly (like they have done).

Participation awards indeed have no place and feedback should not necessarily be sugar coated, however effort should always be recognised and it’s always possible to give constructive feedback quite easily without being a dick about it - If you have a certain dynamic within your team internally that permits such language then go for it, although personally I find it to be a bit tone deaf. Given neither of us are American perhaps it’s just a cultural difference (I want to guess Eastern European?).


Wow! Thanks for addressing our remarks and requests so quickly! Great job!

One more detail: it would help if in the hourly forecast review there were a vertical bar at midnight or something to easily distinguish between days. Whatever, it is a great add-on to better organize one’s work.


Thank you :hugs:

And could you perhaps save the toggle value to load the same forecast the next time we open the dashboard? :3

(Also, it’s just a minor detail but I’d prefer a 24h format, could you add a selector/toggle under the timezone on the settings page please? :stuck_out_tongue:)

I don’t know if this is something you can control or if it’s handled by a third party code but if the images on Cloudfront can’t be loaded (blocked by uMatrix in my case), there is no limit to the attempts. Because of that, the dashboard never stops loading and the display has a seizure x) (quickly fixed by changing the uMatrix settings in my case but you never now when there can be a DNS or network issue with the same effect 🤷)


So I’ve heard a lot of people who had unreproducible slowness issues, might it be that all these users have a similar uMatrix extension installed?

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I don’t know, it probably would not work at all if it was because of uMatrix as it blocks the request altogether :thinking:

Also, I don’t remember experiencing slowness on desktop and I don’t have any extension on my phone’s browser 🤷 (where the problem is probably the network)

(repost to be a proper reply)

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The hourly forecast is telling me that I have one review now but when I click on the Review button, it redirects me to the old dashboard where the next review is said to be in “about 7 hours” (so two issues here: the invalid count and the redirection to the wrong dashboard)

頑張って! :slight_smile:

Edit: if it helps debugging, I did have 10 reviews at the top of the hour (9AM UTC), maybe some cache-like variable is not properly reset or something (although 1 is not 10 ^^).
Also, the bar is back to 0 now that the hour changed.

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Yeah I have almost never experienced slowness on desktop, and only very sometimes on mobile where I have to press the next button again, and it acts like I’ve tried to submit an empty input field. But that’s about it.

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Loving the feature, this was the only thing that I was really missing on the new dashboard.
Any chance you could make it so it stays on hourly breakdown instead of changing back to weekly every time you refresh/come back to the page?


I love it! It reminds me more of wanikani than the old one. I always wished the interface was more like Wanikani. Definitely a thumbs up from me!

Here’s a bit of nitpicking…


This happens on my desktop on a window width every so slightly wider than ‘mobile view’ (when you get the modules in rows). I guess you could solve it by activating mobile view at a wider width, but I do quite like having the wide set-up and I’d hate to lose it at my screen size… Perhaps it’s better to remove the icon? It looks a bit out of place anyway, because of the way it is ‘centered’.

It happened again:

  • before the hour changed => 5 reviews to come
  • on the hour => 2 reviews on the hourly forecast, 5 on the top bar
  • after the review => still 2 on the hourly forecast but 0 on the daily
  • it is now the second half of the hour and no review popped up

So, at least, it shouldn’t be random (and thus, easier to replicate and fix).

Also, it doesn’t seem to be an issue with the display, I just looked at the API response in the dev console and it is consistent with what is displayed (meaning the “2” is there).

So far so great on a lot of things! One small thing I would like is if the current review count is zero, instead of a greyed-out box I think it might be neat to see “NEXT REVIEW | NEXT HOUR” type of stat found on the user page. Probably a HORRIBLE way of explaining it but food for thought?

I know this information is shown when you toggle to hourly breakdown so it might be redundant, but currently there’s two indicators that would show there’s 0 reviews available.


Absolutely perfect! I love this so much :o

Only thing I can suggest is just a way to make it clear if I’ve done my reviews for the day to make sure I kept my streak going. I’m almost at 700 and would hate to lose it x’D Maybe it can be greyed out a bit, semi transparent, if no reviews have been done?


Love the new dashboard. I was struggling before to plan out new lessons while keeping my review numbers in a certain range, but now I can see exactly how many reviews are coming up. On top of that, looks incredible imo. Good stuff all around


Just thought I ought to say how great it is that most of the little tweaks that were suggested above seem to have been fixed overnight! Good work guys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


And again, but I have an idea this time :slight_smile: (Using info not included in precedent messages, sorry, that did not seem relevant at the time.)
This time, the count of reviews for this hour in the forecast went up! (1 -> 2, same as what I will have in 8h)

It seems to me that, once I get to the hour with reviews, the count becomes the one for the next time I will have reviews :thinking:

Edit: or not… 2 -> 6 just now while the next time there will be only 2 reviews…