Greetings everyone!
It has been a while since our last official update. However, in general we try to push updates weekly or several times a week depending on what we’re working on. These are usually all small things not large enough to justify an update on their own. Therefore, many of the things mentioned below have been live for up to a couple of weeks while some are newer. The newer ones may draw a bit more attention .
New Stuff
Kanji Answers
We had some great discussion around this here: Feedback Request: Kanji Answers. Thank you to everyone who took time to answer the poll(s) and provide feedback.
- The general consensus was that allowing Japanese IME input in the form of kanji would potentially have more pitfalls than benefits.
- However, the existing hiragana-only input has a major draw back in that it doesn’t allow you to strengthen the mental connection between what you wrote and how grammar is usually displayed with kanji.
- We have begun the process of providing kanji for all of the sentences
- Currently kanji is available for sentences in N5-N3 grammar.
- N2 and N1 are being worked on as we speak.
- Kanji is available not only on the accepted answer, but also on all alternate grammar that can be cycled for the current grammar point.
- Kanji have furigana that will be displayed based on your furigana settings
As always we would love to hear any feedback you have about this!
Answer Error Highlighting
This primarily highlights typos in answers to give you a better idea on where you went wrong.
Here are a couple examples of having too much or too little.
New Header
I am sure many of you noticed but we pushed a new header that @Samu, one of the new team members, built. Part of it was a visual overhaul and the other part was to redesign how notifications work. The notifications now load dynamically on request rather than on each page load. Notification icons were all updated as well.
Grammar Popout Overhaul
A visual update to the way the grammar popout displays for reading passages. We have some fun stuff lined up to expand it to other parts of the site. That will come in an update next week!
Bug Fixes
- Feedback form bug with data not refreshing after submitting
- Issue with mobile scroll when toggling furigana in reviews
- Issue with mobile when trying to select grammar points
- Tooltip on Last Session was wrong
- Review Activity didn’t respect time zone. (on a side note the stats reviews heatmap still has this bug but will require an overhaul to fix in the future.)
- Review stats fixes for accuracy and last review session (beta feature)
- Bug with selecting items in a Path
- Clicking continue from a Study session gave an error.
- Daily/Hourly toggle now respects what is clicked rather than toggling when clicked on any part of the parent element.
- Changed some numerals in Reading Passage to use Japanese numerals so they aren’t displayed vertically.
- The orange used in the light mode theme was too tough to read. It is now a darker shade.
As always, thank for all of the feedback and suggestions you give us. Bunpro truly is lucky to have such a great community of users who are vocal about ways we can improve it. We love hearing feedback about the changes we make (for better or worse).
This time, most of the changes were aimed at making your study more stress free, while giving you better information about things that may help you instantly improve your retention in some form. These changes may feel small, but we feel like small changes that don’t affect your routine, but ultimately improve your learning experience are some of the best!