[Updated] Major Update - Grammar Page Changes

LOVE listening mode!!


I was using an outdated version of Firefox Mobile. Updating the browser fixed it.

It looks like it was fixed in between the time I reported the bug and you checked it out.


Thank you for the reply. The hover was not working for me earlier (I even recorded an example) but it does appear to be working now after logging out and restarting my browser.


I just realized that when Listening Mode is enabled, I can’t use the Examples section for reference anymore, because I have to manually unfold every sentence.
It would be better if there was a switch that unfolds every example at once.


Will there ever be a way to side by side compare grammar points?


Gotta be honest, I really like the old page better. It highlighted the grammar point better like, HEY THIS IS THE GRAMMAR POINT, since it was in a separate color box. What are the odds you could make it switchable between either format? Sorry, don’t mean to just complain. Maybe I just don’t like change… すみません


Another point. New grammar info didn’t work with classic theme(related grammar text was white on white), I switched to soulless “modern” style with no backghround to check and classic them can’t even be enabled back.

Me not like. Honestly, I’d prefer if classic was brought back instead of this.


I am not sure why after I opt for “show English”, the next option is “hide all” instead of “hide English”? And there could be a “hide all” option separately as well. Right now we only have the “hide all” option after I see both the English and Japanese sentences anyway. So it is a very roundabout way to have the hide/show sentences.


I really like the addition of the new information and details in the meaning tab. The listening mode is also a cool idea, though I’m not sure yet whether or not I’ll use it.

Unfortunately, I can’t say I’m a fan of the newest UI/layout changes. Though, I’m sure some of it is simply a matter of getting used to where things are within the window now.

I feel like I’m getting a lot less information on my screen at a time. I’m a big fan of avoiding having to scroll whenever possible. I think part of this could be the size of the heading/title. It seems quite large for the amount of information it provides and in comparison to the other elements of the page. The tab names also seem a bit large. By comparison, most of the things within the meaning tab, arguably the most important part of the grammar point, are rather small.

Also, the placement of the arrows that move between lessons could be confusing. Because they are inline with the tabs, I thought at first that it indicated scrolling to more tabs of the grammar point.


yomichan and ‘toggle furigana’ button is not working in reading practice.


I tried the new interface on smartphone only, but I like the changes, I think it’s more clearly structured. I like the possibility to have a listening mode.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but since the update the interface is very slow, particularly during reviews (I have to retype the answer if I type it too fast). It seems somethings is loading in the background. It works well again after this time.
There is also an empty link (online resources) in the だんだん page.


I’m so glad they fixed this! It is terrific how Bunpro responds to feedback.

OLD POST (not meaningful now):
Under the “Meaning tab” there is no description of meaning… The meaning is described above in the title… This is a really bad design to say the least.


There seem to be a few cases where HTML rendering is broken but when I sent a report for one it appeared to worK?


Just to follow up on this, in case anyone wondered - it seems completely nonfunctional. Can’t click reviews, and when I go to it via the top bar, it’s just perpetually loading. Forecasts also don’t show up on the dashboard, and I can’t access the grammar page either. I can kinda get to some stuff via cram, aka just the N5 stuff (links to others won’t click), but other than that the entire website just doesn’t work at all.

Now, it is IE11 and I kinda expected it not to work with an overhaul, especially since I’ve never been able to properly access the forums either (I’m on my phone right now). I get that outdated IE functionality isn’t really a thing across the board, so this isn’t so much of an angry complaint as it is just letting you know about it.

Is kinda a bummer though, haha. Definitely knocked down my thoughts on the update overall.


Are you not allowed to download or sideload any other kind of browsers? That sounds brutal!


Nope, it’s a school laptop so I can’t download any other programs. しょうがない!


The overlap with the stamp makes the text hard to read in the related grammar field on the grammar page.


Same thing happened to me… I tried switching temporarily to the Modern themes just to see how they look with the new styling. As soon as I changed the setting, the Classic option disappeared forever. I guess it’s not a big deal, but I did like Classic better and would not have switched if I knew this would happen.


I’m currently learning new grammar points in N5 (てはいけない, た方がいい, ない方がいい) and seeing some weird issues with the audio player.

On the second lesson (た方がいい), I’m trying to use the audio player to listen to the examples in Slow Playback mode. I’m seeing (or rather, hearing) a few issues:

  • When I toggle Slow Playback on and then click Play (next to the example sentence), it does not appear to play any more slowly.
  • When I toggle Slow Playback on and click Play (next to the audio player at the top), the sentence I hear is not one of the examples. Listening more carefully, it sounds like a sentence from the first lesson (てはいけない).

I’m on Chrome 96.0.4664.45, on Windows 10 Enterprise version 21H1. Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide.


Update: 11/17

First of all, thank you to everyone who gave feedback here, through the onsite feedback and via email. We really appreciate hearing not only the positive feedback about the changes but also the criticism and suggestions as well.

This was the first big visual change we have made in a long time and while the old layout worked as it was. It was, in essence, new stuff added on top of other new stuff over the years without much though given to the inevitable roadblock we would run into at some point in the future.

In exploring how we would add our own official Bunpro writeups to each grammar point (something we will be releasing very soon) we found there wasn’t really a great place to put them. A new tab wasn’t a good solution, and just putting them somewhere on the main meaning tab also didn’t work well with the old layout. So, we decided to redesign the whole page with an emphasis on keeping not only the writeups, but also all of the future information and features we have lined up in mind.

On top of the size and scale of the change, it was also the first big project as a new and expanded team. Needless to say we are still ironing things out on our end. At the end of the day, even though the update didn’t off go anywhere as smoothly as we would have hoped, we are using it as an opportunity to learn and improve, not just how we work together, but also how we go about making big but ultimately necessary changes going forward.

So of those changes are, but not limited to:

  • Putting big changes and features, especially those that change how you use Bunpro into the Opt-in Beta before releasing so they can be toggled off in the event they are less than stellar *cough* show grammar popout in reviews *cough* Sorry :bowing_man:
  • Exploring implementing a feature freeze window (thanks @monkeytunes for the suggestion) where we don’t push any breaking changes or features before things like the summer/winter JLPT
  • Improving our overall QA testing process before release.
  • Avoiding large changes all at once, by breaking them down into smaller releases.
    We apologize for bungling the update and appreciate the feedback you gave to point us in the right direction. As always, we will continue to do our best to add to and improve upon Bunpro.


  • Section arrows are back up on the Grammar Header.
  • Slimmed down the navigation tabs - This is one of the many fixes applied to reduce total vertical scroll.
  • Changed from “Meaning” to “Details” - The meaning is now in the header
  • Section titles have less priority - With lower visual priority, the actual information stands out more now.
  • Made examples show as a single column list - If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
  • Changed from a cycle toggle for showing/hiding Japanese and English to a button for each
  • Added global “Show/Hide” for All, Japanese and English
  • Changed resources section’s design to be less vertical - Changed the overall design per-resource so that it wouldn’t take up so much space.
  • Bug fixes for audio playback
  • Bug fixes for content display html errors
  • Optimizations for slow loading pages.