Website is painfully slow

Same issue here.

The site has been brutally slow lately. I can’t even get it to load half the time. This thread was started in September - where are the efforts to resolve the problem from the admin team? I don’t know why the site is still chugging after months of complaints.

@jelyk The devs have responded to this multiple times, they’re working on it, it seems like a mysterious problem that’s hard to diagnose on their end.
You can be unhappy about the problem, but you can’t say they’re not putting in efforts.
Hopefully this will be resolved soon.

Actually, i myself don’t really have speed issues, a slight loading delay of a second or so here or there, but nothing major. (i’m in Vienna)


It goes beyond ‘slow pages’ that were referenced above. This morning when trying to do my reviews I spent about 10 minutes trying to get into the site and was met with constant server errors. Once the site did resolve, it was very slow.

I am sympathetic if it’s a rare bug, but if you have paying customers complaining for over 3 months with no resolution to speak of, maybe it’s worth hiring an outsider to come in and review the backend to see if they can identify any issues.

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I just joined and unfortunately I am experiencing slowness - I am using Firefox and Safari on Mac, Safari on iPhone and Bunpro iOS app - all of them slow.

And this is no ‘just slow website’, Study just didn’t load for me (or maybe I just lost patience, it took so long). That seriously impacts usability of the site/app.

I also have issues in most of my sessions:

Desktop: Firefox on Ubuntu
iPad: Safari and the bunpro app

Tracing it on the desktop the issue seems to be in the server side as there are several queries to user_furigana that take over seven seconds and they are 304, so the browser ends up using its cached copy. study and get_note are also really slow…


good catch!
might this be related to the WK Api v2 update, which Bunpro uses to check which furigana to display?

@itorres do you have a valid WK Api v2 key configured?
(i do and it’s also slow for me sometimes but not that slow)

I just recently started using Bunpro and I love it! But, I’m also having performance issues :frowning:

I find that is one of the worst performing pages, where it either takes ~15-25 seconds to load or I get a 503. Sometimes it is faster though, but its more often a problem than not.

I have been using Bunpro with Furigana set to “Wanikani”, but turning that Off it doesn’t seem to make any difference. Here’s a sample of me loading the lessons page after turning Furigana “Off”

I have also disabled Tapermonkey to ensure that there are no third-party scripts that might be causing issues.


Random question, does Bunpro have CDNs located in the US? I’m US based and if Bunpro only has CDNs located in Asia/Pacific, US-based users will see massive lag times (compared to Asia/Pacific-based users).

It’s also worth noting that we’ve seen massive internet infrastructure issues across the board (I think Slack is right in the middle of a major outage), so it’s hard to know if that’s impacting anything right now.

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CDNs will only help you for images and stuff, not for calls to the API, which need to update stuff in the database. Also: this has been going on for much longer than Slack’s current outage, so I think that’s unrelated.

I also noticed that since I turned off my Wanikani-integration, the site seems to have okay-ish speeds. I catch an occasional slow ‘study’ still, but it’s better than it was.

Edit: I see that otakumike has the same problem I have, so I think the general slugginess of the reviews might be caused by the Wanikani-API integration, while the ‘study’ / ‘lessons’ call is just generally very slow from time to time, for unrelated reasons?

It’s quite slow for me as well - especially after completing a review. I am using it in Safari on iOS 14 (no scripts, etc.).

Tbh I have never had any “performance” issues with Bunpro. Yes, there are the occasional weird behaviors when doing a search of grammar points (normal search and searching for Cram), but never had any issues with Lessons and/or Reviews.

I’m using Chrome on Windows 10, with no scripts. I have the Wanikani-API integration turned on. Have been using Bunpro for almost 2 years.

Just sharing my experience. Looks like there are users with serious performance issues while others like me have had no problems. To be fair, afaik the web app is still on beta so there’s much improvement to be done.


No WK setup, I think I have the default settings.

I’ve been having similar slowdowns. I am using WK but it was happening before I added WK on.

I just signed up yesterday, and I’ve noticed some sluggishness, primarily when first loading the Study tab. Typical load times for me are around 6 seconds. Subsequent page loads seem normal. I also noticed that the inspector console shows hundreds of warnings related to non-unique ids, and the inspector performs sluggishly in general. This is on a MacBook Pro (2016) running Big Sur 11.1, and Chrome 87.0.4280.88. I do have Tampermonkey running, but I’m not using the WaniKani API.

What’s more, if I leave Bunpro open in a tab, it seems to cause my entire OS to slow down after an hour or two. Earlier today I noticed all my other running programs were lagging badly, which I’ve never experienced before on this laptop. It stopped as soon as I closed the Bunpro tab in Chrome. It was behaving as if there was a memory leak of some sort.

@Neon_Starlight972 @itorres @esutasan @kenni @otakumike @Saimin

Thank you for all the feedback. It really helps to pinpoint potential problem areas that I can look into.

I changed a couple small things to things plus a major change to how assets are served. Benchmarks say that it improved overall responsiveness, so fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers: Please let me know if you notice an improvement or not.


It has improved a lot, but I still experience load times over five seconds when starting a review. Once the review has started it’s snappy.

So ideally it should load in less than 2s (or show some kind of message while it loads), but now it’s usable. Good work.


Definitely much faster for me, too. Thanks @Jake! The odd page might take 5-15 seconds, but that seems much less frequent now.


Definitely better now!

It’s still painfully slow from time to time.