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Next ごとく :sweat_smile:

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@Asher it Is still not fixed.
I don’t want to complain on delays but seeing your answer on Typo - #2 by Asher I wonder how to report this kind of issues effectively.

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🫣 This should have all been fixed. I’ll report this to the dev guys right now to see what the deal is.

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This one actually hasn’t been fixed on the backend yet, as it’s in lesson 10 of N4. I am about halfway through lesson 8 at the moment, so should hit lesson 10 in another day or two :bowing_man:. Have been going through everything with a fine tooth comb :face_with_monocle:

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Another broken answer. Why is this still happening?

Looks like those sentences still broken.

Fixed it! :+1:

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It would be nice if this could somehow be fixed. :slightly_smiling_face:

My dashboard looks slightly strange; the reviews sections are not aligned properly.
I’ve also noticed that after doing some decks for the first time, after the first review, I get 0% instead of the actual number of items I’ve properly studied the first time. The SRS seems to not be affected though, it’s just a display issue I suppose.


Turned on vacation mode for the day due to being super busy and knowing I wouldn’t be able to get on until past midnight. Turns out it didn’t activate or something, despite showing that it did, because I’m back down from my 860 day streak to a 0. Everything is fine. :sob:

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Hello! This still seems to be an issue. Please let me know if there’s a better way to report this.

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I am also having this alignment error, both on Firefox and Brave.

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Fixed! Thank you so much!

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Having this issue too but I can’t click on my vocab reviews. I tried in two browsers (Firefox and Safari)


@CuddleJumper @melisma
Should be fixed now! Thanks for pointing it out :bowing_man:

@severian I have reverted your streak :sweat: Sorry for the panic


I’ll dye over the grey hairs :wink: Thanks!

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Hi, my broken profile page and bugged reviews (always one remaining even after finishing them all) still exists. A solution would really be appreciated.

Hi! I’m just getting started with Bunpro and absolutely love it. Planning to review N3 + N2 grammar before going into N1.

I’m reviewing N3 now. However, when I click on the next grammar, the example sentences from the previous grammar point are stuck at the top of the page. That means I have to scroll down to see the new grammar.

I’m very keen on continuing with Bunpro if this gets sorted.


Can you post a screenshot of what this looks like on your end? Also if there’s any strange errors in the console (F12) feel free to post a screenshot of that as well. Thanks, and welcome to the site! :cowboy_hat_face:

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