Feedback - Bug Reports

Hi there,
Weird bug since today, the review screen takes only one half of the screen, leaving a huge blank space below. While it’s still usable the font’s size decreased accordingly so it’s a bit annoying.
I’m using Firefox.

Issue has shifted today and I can no longer see the progress details in both the beginner and adept stages. I can see the progress details of the rest including ghosts.

Bit of a surprising one, went into my settings to switch the timezone from GMT 0 to GMT -5.
At somepoint during this process, my level jumped from 47 to 60:


I just tried switching to GMT 0, then back to GMT -5. My level stayed at 46.

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Issue shifted again. I can open the progress details for beginner again, but not adept. I checked with both Safari and Chrome web browsers. Perhaps the issue is with the grammar points itself that I was able to add a couple of days ago. Also, it’s still not allowing me to add any new grammar points to review.

Works fine now. Thanks, Jake!

Shouldn’t the furigana for 上手 be うま when followed by く? The screenshot is from the ていく lesson. Note that this is the case for both the web version and the mobile app.

After removing the following grammar points from review through the mobile app, it appears to have resolved my issues and I’m able to add new grammar points. I guess this issue is specific to my account. These problematic grammar points were added to review a couple of days ago. I tried clicking reset on one of the problematic grammar points, but it still causes it to get stuck when trying to add it back into review. Is there a way to fix this for my account?
~て (Means and Manner)
し (Reasons)

Unfortunately at the moment it’s a feature not a bug!
I pushed out some updates to try and tackle some of the bugs that were plagueing touch screen users.
We’re looking at pushing out an update some time next week to make this feel better for all users.

If you’re curious, got lots more context in the Reviews 2.0 thread, starting from around this post.

Sorry for the inconvenience :bowing_man:

Getting a problem with quizzing new vocab items on the N5 and N4 vocab decks, hangs on Loading… and never loads in. Using Chrome

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I went into profile reset and destroyed N3 reviews to see if would purge those grammar points I mentioned from getting stuck, but surprisingly those same stuck grammar points survived the grammar level reset. :sweat:

negative past form of い-Adjectives do not have a grammar lesson dedicated to its negative present form as well. the grammar lessons of じゃない and its negative past form, じゃなかった, does exist though.
I was wondering if this was intentional or not, unless I somehow skimmed over the lessons too quickly and somehow missed it…


When I try to do my reviews, I am getting this weird error. If I reload, sometimes it works, but mostly I get the same error message. I am using Brave, but I was getting the same error using Safari in my iPad


Same for me. When I clicked on “I know this” for the first vocabulary item on the list, it wasn’t stuck anymore. This happened to me twice in the last few days. I’m on Safari for iPhone.

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I’ve already submitted a bug report on this but just posting it here to see if it can be resolved more quickly. I keep having to refresh when this one comes up so I can move to a different question because this one won’t register the correct answer. It also says I’m using も when I’m not.

Hoping it can be fixed quickly, thanks!

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Thanks for finding this!
We’re aware of this bug with some study questions on the new Reviews 2.0 system, and we’re still trying to find them all.

I’ve fixed said sentence in the database, and this issue should now be fixed.
I’ve also closed the related ticket in the Feedback system.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

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Thanks for the feedback!
I’ll get this looked into :+1:

Hi there!

This should be fixed!
Let me know if it’s not and I’ll send you a DM to try and work through this issue :bowing_man:

Happened to me for a 3rd time. I noticed that for all three times, I had added a synonym. Might be worth checking out…

Just noticed that the reviews counter goes to negative when learning new vocab