Feedback - Bug Reports

Thanks for the feedback as always!

The resize causing the bar bug seems to be the cause.
Will have a think about what can be done.

RE the empty-translation thing – I’ve passed this on to Jake.
Probably no need to report this specific one anymore, we should be able to fix them all at once (:crossed_fingers:)


Welcome to the forum party! :confetti_ball:
Thanks for the feedback 🙇‍♂️

Hmmm I’ve just tried it with うたない and it worked!
The grammar point is this one yeah?
Are you able to try again? Is this on web or the app?

Hi there! Welcome, and thanks for the feedback 🙇‍♂️

Are you able to tell me for which Deck you are getting this bug?
Once I know the Deck, I can log into your account and try replicate this bug.


It was the built in N3 Grammar deck. It took about seven tries, but after trying and failing on the web mobile site, it finally gave me the option in the app to add the deck which hadn’t worked previously and now it seems to work. I have no idea what caused this but I hope that that helps in case it happens again for others!


Ahhhh I think I know what might be happening!

You might just be directly using the Learn button at the top of the Deck’s page (#1), and not actually marking it as “Actively Studying” (#2 – in the Deck Settings menu).
Using this button just directly sends you to a Learn session, but does not actually add it to your Learn Queue, thus it doesn’t show your Dashboard (#3).

Does this sound like what could be happening?

Related screenshots




hi there! Thank you so much for getting back to me. I also did receive an email after my report that they fixed it actually. I tried it again myself as well and it works now.

Thanks as well for checking it out!

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Hey @skullclutter
It should actually be the case, so it is a bug.
Does it never change for you, or is it ocasional?

I am looking into it right now.


It never changes. I’m on Android.

I can get you build/version numbers etc if you need it.


In the に当たり grammar point, the forum discussion isn’t embedded and instead shows “Something went wrong on our end!” (web): にあたり・にあたって (JLPT N2) | Bunpro

It seems that the discussion thread actually exists: にあたり・にあたって | に当たり・に当たって - Grammar Discussion

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Good find!
I’ve just fixed this. Thanks 🙇‍♂️


Any ideas on this one?

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I’m trying to upgrade my subscription to lifetime(with paypal), but it fails without giving any hint as to what’s going on…

Note that I wanted to upgrade last year and sent a message via the app’s messaging system, but never got a reply (and forgot about it…), so I’m trying my luck here…

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I sent you a DM about it :bowing_man:

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I just found out that apparently bunpro doesn’t have a manifest(.json) which makes it difficult to use as a PWA (Interestingly, the forum does have it). Not sure if that’s intended or not but it seems like something that could be added without a lot of effort but greatly improve the experience for people who would like to use it as a PWA.
Personally, I’d love for that to be an option.
Here are some screenshots of what it could look like on PC with WaniKani as an example:
It would still work exactly like the normal website but you could launch it in its own app-like window, pin it to your start menu or task bar, etc…
And of course you could also do the same on mobile, if you prefer using the website over the app.

I’m a bit biased towards PWAs since I’m a web dev who has experience with them. I’m trying to keep this short and already deleted a lot of stuff from this post since I could go on forever about them… :sweat_smile:


Good suggestion! Thought I had already done this but apparently not :thinking:

I implemented this and it will hopefully be coming out tomorrow!


I’m not sure if this has been reported already, but I noticed two issues with the Android app today:

  1. The review count only seems to show the first three digits

  2. If you submit the wrong answer to a vocab review, then wrap up the pending items, the SRS stage indicator will go up to what it was before even though the item has been answered incorrectly in the session. The real SRS stage is not affected. I’m not sure if this also applies to grammar items or sessions that you don’t force to wrap up.
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Help! Every single time I go to do a grammar review, it’s always the exact same question. It registers as multiple answered if I press “good” multiple times, even tho it just repeats the same flashcard for every single review…

I’m on the Android app btw…

Edit: this is true even if I ask for mixed reviews - my vocab is fine, but every single grammar review is this one.



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Happening to me on iOS, the exact same question:

When I click to see which card I’m supposed to do, I get the real info of the card that’s in my queue (in this case, the screenshot is from a different session, but I got the same card as before):


We are aware of the issue, we are working on fixing it.
Does it happen often?