Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

Feature Suggestion: The ability to add custom sentences to vocab (beta).


You’re right @Rukifellth , this was condescending, I’m sorry.

I’ll forget some n4 grammar eventually if I never practice it. Could you please keep all grammar in SRS rotation (even if only once a year or so) so it is possible to get wrong and drop a level to master?

I really struggle reviewing grammar from immersion. It’s harder to look up, and harder to know what I don’t know. That’s what make bunpro so valuable.

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I do not know what you are saying.

We both speak English at a mostly comprehensible level, therefore I used an English example.

I said “encountering” intitially. Of which could mean writing, reading, hearing, or seeing. I just used the word “see” as a shorthand word for “encountering” seeing as this is not a formal environment, such long-winded words can come across as condescending if used superfluously.

But I think I see what you are trying to say. You are thinking of direct study and immersion as two seperate entities, whenever they’re really one of the same. At least that is how I interpret your sentence. If that is incorrect, please correct me.

Either way. I do not want to flood this with a discussion about what “SRS means to you,” instead, provide feedback and requests in a more substantial manner.

I’m in support of modifiable SRS timings, of course.

They’ll definitely be share-able!
The upvoting/community aspect is definitely very interesting :eyes:


Can’t exactly remember who this applies to, so just gonna tag everyone here:
@rururun @IcyIceBear @drunkgome @Noxsora

Show All Furigana hotkey added across the (new) pages (Grammar/Vocab, Summary, Reviews etc.)

The hotkey is to hold Ctrl + Shift + F.
This will reveal all furigana on the page regardless of your setting.


I recently tried out some of the vocab cards and while I liked them in concept, I didn’t really like how the reviews were mixed in with the grammar. I like the convenience of having vocab and grammar on the same program, but personally I still want some separation between the two.

If it doesn’t already exist, I’d love for there to be a way to separate vocab and grammar reviews.
If it does exist, I’d love to hear how to do it!


Welcome to the community :tada:


Howdy there TequilaJoe :cowboy_hat_face:

Yeah this is already a thing! If you’re on desktop,

Then under General you’ll have the option for split reviews.

If you’re on mobi- (I was about to link to Icy’s post) then yeah ^ that’s what it’ll look like for you!


It was right in front of my face all along. Thank you buddy :pray:


Awsome, one thing to add now that will be shareable. A dedicated “break-out” topic would be much appreciated. Allowing some discussion on a central place, and allows for feedback.

On a different topic: Custom sentences. Could these be shared too ? I would love to see the sentences from each book added to quiz myself. Reinforcing the grammar you see in the book.

Looking forward to seeing a Satori Reader deck!

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Henlo :3

Just saw this thread and thought I might link this here :slight_smile:


Is there any timespan for when vocabulary cram will be added?

I would love to have a session about このまま.


Is there any chance to get a bulk “Mark as Mastered” feature for vocab? Considering switching to Bunpro, but marking all the words I already know manually looks a bit daunting (apologies if the feature is already there and I missed it).


It’s not there yet, but the team is looking into it :sparkles:


Yeah a Vocab revamp is coming up very soon!

Out of curiosity, what is the situation you’re facing when it comes to mass-marking Vocab?
Are you wanting to fully mark Vocab from a specific level? Are you coming from Wanikani and want to mark those as Mastered?

If you can please let me know I might be able to give you the best option currently, and it will also help us to know what type of thing users are wanting when we eventually redo the Grammar/Vocab index/search pages


I have a feature request, but for the forum:

Would it be possible to create a Japanese ONLY sub-forum? It’s something I feel is sorely missing in a Japanese learning community like this one. It could be used for people to help each other with their sentences/compositions, a grammar question (but with explanations in Japanese), or anything really. The main rule (besides the ones already stablished) is that anyone participating has to write in Japanese (no Romaji).

I think that would be cool to have.


Thanks for coming back. In my case the words I learned on Wanikani are already marked as Mastered, so that’s great - not the issue. But it’s rather all the other words I learned elsewhere (e.g. in context, other sources)

e.g. in N5 I’m currently at 670/1100
N4 491/1100
N3 757/2000

However, skimming through the lists, I already know most of the remaining words in these levels (but not all, especially in N3/N2). So I’d like to just go once through the whole list for each level, tick a checkbox in front of each word I know and do a bulk “Mark as Mastered” before I start reviewing the decks, if that makes sens.


Something seriously minor, but it bugged me: For reference, I usually read the Japanese hint first. Only then do I reveal the English meaning and English hint.

For the そばから grammar point (N1 Lesson 5: 17/17), I’ve noticed that the hint in Japanese is as follows: […] (A)から(B)。(B)はネガティブなことが()い。

You’ll note that the “hint” actually straight up tells you the answer: (A)から(B)。As long as you know that kanji and can read it, you have the answer pre-served. It would probably be better to change this to something a bit different.