Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request

When auto-playing the audio, it would be great if it only auto-played the “correct” alternative, i.e., the one asked for (e.g., negative-past, standard).

For vocab reviews for items N2 and beyond, it would be great to see one random example sentence from the vocab details, at least for Reveal & Grade type of review. At the moment this is done only for N5-N3 vocab, where example sentences have English translations. In my opinion, displaying sentence, even if no translation is available, still provides context making vocab easier to understand and remember.


When doing reviews (either vocab or grammar) it would be cool to click on a word we don’t know and instantly add it to our reviews or have it open in a new tab. What I’m doing now is copying and pasting it and then manually searching for it in a new tab.


I think the search engine could be improved. It doesn’t seem to be particularly intuitive compared to others, such as Jisho.

For example, I often have issues when looking for a word which is written in hiragana in the context i’ve read, but which is in katakana on the system (にこにこ in a book, but only ニコニコ on BunPro).

Also, I think it would be good if it could even accept words written in romaji.


Two requests:

  • Grammar lesson re: ちゃった
  • Have a better system than this thread to report missing grammar lessons :slight_smile:
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Do you mean as in

What about this thread :kissing_closed_eyes:


I think it would be nice to have grammar words and grammar vocabulary on the same level. For example the N2 grammar point 従って uses the 従う word inside of it’s grammar, however the word is thrown into the N1 pool. Wouldn’t it be better to pair the grammar points an the vocabulary word inside the same level? I noticed this on some other vocabulary as well. どころで is n5 vocabulry, but どころで is also N3 grammar.

I apologize in advance if this has already been suggested!

When looking through the grammar and vocab content/decks/bookmark on mobile I would love the ability to “flip” through the content from point to point like pages in a book. For example when I do grammar lessons, there’s that little arrow in the bottom right to move to the next point without going back to the selection area.

This would be really helpful in quickly reviewing things!

Of course, if I missed a functionality in the app I would love to know. :sweat_smile:

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Do we have an onomatopoeia deck yet? it would be amazing to have all the onomatopoeias from all the levels grouped together in a single deck :smiley:



Unless I’m not seeing something, having an option for a certain amount of reviews a day would be super helpful. It’s a bit overwhelming to open my app and see like 50 reviews ready sometimes.

It would be nice to have a different instruction rather than ‘Let’s try a different grammatical structure here’. Especially when it comes to saying ‘but’ for example there are so many to cycle through.


Also for grammar, If I look up 言わないで欲しい the seach should show me ‘Verb [ないで]’ and ‘てほしい’
Fitz’s search for ‘ちゃった’ should have directed him to ‘ちゃう’.
Maybe the easiest way to do this, is check the query againts the list of accepted answers. Would probably result in lots of people getting extranious hits, but useful for looking up grammar from immersion.

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Recient update standardized the hints. It used to be posible to match up the hint to correct point. Now you can’t, probably supposed to use the nuance hint instead.

Feature suggestion for vocab reviews using the “reading question” mode: a way to turn off furigana for the highlighted word.

For example:
My wanikani account has not reached the 観 kanji yet, so Bunpro shows the furigana for かんこう. But I want to learn to recognize the word 観光, not the furigana.
At the same time, I do not want to turn off furigana for the rest of the sentence.
I suggest there be a way to turn off furigana for the highlighted word, while still keeping the default furigana mode (all furigana, or wanikani integration) for the rest of the sentence. In that case, the furigana for the highlighted word should probably show up after the “show meaning” button is pressed, so that the user may check for correct pronunciation as well as correct meaning.

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Yeah, it’d be fine if the nuance hints were updated to be more accurate (which I’m sure takes a bunch of work). Until then I’m stuck with “Let’s try a different grammar structure here.” which is quite unhelpful.

EDIT: For example, just now I entered


as my answer. Bunpro asks me to try a different grammatical structure. The actual answer?


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I was wondering if custom intervals or having access to an alternative like FSRS could be implemented. I feel like the SRS with fixed intervals is the weakest point of Bunpro. Especially when you go outside amazing progress has been made and i believe algorithms like FSRS are open source. It does an amazing job at predicting retention and dispatching the workload.

Besides we could use it and still keep the gamification part and progress of Bunpro by just converting the FSRS interval into the matching interval.


undo review button would be nice. Sometimes i make a typo and move so quickly to the text review i dont cant fix it and get the question wrong or force of habit kicks in and move to the next question before i can read the grammar point/look at correct answer


A lot of review points have a bunch of really fancy confusing words on them. Grammar words that I don’t know what they mean. I usually ignore them but for some points they are vital because that’s what the site uses to tell you what to use for the answer. And that’s fine for the most part. Besides the fact that I don’t have a clue what any of the words mean, ever. In English or Japanese. Is there something that we can do where I don’t know I click them and a explanation shows up.

Because frankly, I don’t know what is being asked of me when the site just shows me : Negative non-past, Standard, Causative

What does any of that mean?! Negative non-past, are you saying it didn’t happen in the future? Standard?! Standard what?! Does this sentence have a transmission or something. And I don’t have a clue at all what a causative is.

Lots of points have those cool fancy words that look very impressive, but I really don’t know what they mean at all. Can something be done please, because I shouldn’t be punished for not knowing what nominalization or adjectivization means.

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Mmm a mini legend might be nice as a pop up, not gonna say no to that. Definitely something I would’ve liked to have available when I started my journey. Mostly because I literally didn’t even know what an adjective was (in my native English). I only learned these English grammar terms from exposure while learning Japanese :joy:

That being said, I feel like the terms they’ve chosen are easy to understand and standard terms across the board in terms of things like passive/causative when looking at grammar points from multiple resources

Non past= not the past, but the present/future. They say non past as a way to specify both/either because you know, context reliant and what not

Standard as in not formal (speeches/ honorific) or literary (books/articles) specific. Just, regular

Causative you should recognize from the grammar lesson, but it’s させる. Someone is making someone else, or causing them to do something
Snippet from takoboto dictionary app for 食べる

TLDR pop up legend could be nice for those newer to grammar terms or earlier in their journey. Although eventually getting a feel for them would be ideal, as there isn’t too many and they’re useful to know


+1 FSRS sounds pretty useful
Reddit Discussion on FSRS, other spaced repetition algorithms