List of Scripts

I think it’s inactive since a few BP updates ago and Kumi is not actively working on these anymore.

@xgc1986, nice! We are in need of a dashboard stat that is not hidden in profile (which I only check periodically).

How hard would it be to track ghosts as well? Right now there isn’t anything at all and I think it would be extremely helpful to manage lessons/reviews. Nonetheless, look forward to using this one!


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Anki mode is one of the few that are not mine!

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I assumed you made all scripts here! Tagging @ezhmd then, looks like they haven’t been active in almost a year but there is always hope since Kumi just stopped by.

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Yes, 7-9 is Master, I fixed. I don’t know if the numbers are correct, it was a random decision. ANd abouth the ghost, it is easy to get, but I still don’t know what ghosts are, once I understand it, but first I will add the script to be installed at least with tampermonkey

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BunPro++ (

@Kumi I created this script, to group grammar elements similar to wanikani, Ca you add it to the list, please?


Looks great, thank you!

I notice the script is only enabled when I go through the ‘User Dashboard’ link below (not when I open BP naturally). I’m not sure if this is due to the dashboard or not…anyone else see this?

This is great! We actually want to implement something like this natively, but haven’t figured out good names (wanikani is a tough act to follow).


This looks great! I’m going to install it asap.

Could you provide a short description for it?

ummm… I’m not good describing things, maybe a “A progress panel for the dashboard”.

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is there by any chance a “later” script?
or a review order script?
I kind of have a huge pile that I would like to whittle down but I randomly get access to the N5 items and trip on N3 items


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Btw, I have updated the script, small fixes, possible it would require a manual update, idk
BunPro++ (

  • Now loads so fast that you don’t believe that is an extension.
  • Fix does not work with www.bunpro.js
  • Fix does not load after browsing from some pages
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I also could add a panel there with the ghosts list, but, I prefer showing the minimum necessary info


:heart_eyes: Yes, please! Can not be unseen now.

This is a feature that been requested alot for several years now. At least with WK, you can control a pace based on apprentice/guru counts that users highly depended on but here we are flying in the dark. My review count tells me nothing, whether I should be on pace to add more lessons or hold back and usually ghost counts are large contributor which has always been some unknown value. Perhaps the min vs. max ghost settings can be better understood as well.

BTW, what you updated fixed the url issue I had and now loads naturally with every log-in.

I see the ghost feature on my side, but guess you haven’t released yet? :eyes:

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In fact, the ghost feature is released, I don’t know why the value is not loaded, can you share me a screenshot of Summary | Japanese Grammar SRS ( like this

The ghost number appears to be attached to specific study session (not total), I don’t have a summary unless I do a review:

Ex. Open summary

If I do a review, it’s now actively charted. So seems I have to complete reviews in order to build my ghost level.


i’ve found the number of reviews forecast good enough on Bunpro, though it’s definitely useful to see the apprentice count.


Ok, the issue is that you did not have ghost reviews, tomorrow I’ll upload a fix tomorrow (It’s 23:10 PM here)

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The Example Sentences Audio script has been fixed with a patch from @blacktide. Thanks!