Hi everyone,
Here’s something I thought I’d give a try.
As some of you know, I’ve been taking calligraphy classes for the last 5 years or so, and I thought I’d share some with you. I thought it would be a nice idea to do a character each day for a while and see if there is much interest.
Here are a few thoughts I had:
- I don’t want to make this about me. Any contribution from any member is very much appreciated.
- With the rise of technology, many people (including many Japanese) have recently been forgetting about stroke order, but it is just as important as ever, from reading the occasional note scrawled down by a colleague in a rush, right up to high level calligraphy.
- I want to show the three main calligraphy styles (see below) and try to write using them the best I can.
- I might share the occasional thought about a character, and hopefully prompt some conversation.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t claim to be a calligraphy expert - it is simply my hobby. I’m more than happy to take feedback from people who know more than me, or questions from newcomers.
While there are many calligraphy styles in Japanese, the three most common that you are likely to find in calligraphy classes are:
- 楷書 - standard script
- 行書 - semi-cursive script
- 草書 - cursive script
I’m OK at the first one, but I need a lot more practice with the latter two! If anyone knows about these and they notice any errors, please let me know! I’m doing this for my study, too.
As of now, I have no system of selecting which character to choose each day, so if anyone has any ideas, or any favourite characters they have, feel free to send me a message!
Let’s go!