Feedback - Bug Reports

Hey @veritas_nz - thanks for looking into it!

Sorry for my delay. My reviews usually only hit around 180 all at once on any day, and I had to wait for today when there was a spike to above 200 reviews at the same time again.

The summary page isn’t breaking for me anymore regardless of whether the review count is above or below 200.

It may have been the same issue as the malformed URI sequence one.

(The other issue I mentioned still remains though. When I click into my reviews, it still shows 200 as the amount of reviews I have even if I have more than 200 available- but that’s not really a big problem.)



Good catch!
These should all be fixed now~

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I’m not sure if its a bug, but when i tried to post on a feed I got a message saying:
“You have reached the reply limit for this topic. We’re sorry, but new users are temporarily limited to 6 replies in the same topic. Instead of adding another reply, please consider editing your previous replies, or visiting other topics.”
I have been on bunpro for over 2 years and I had already posted on the same feed 10 other times…

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I’ve 9 reviews that won’t clear now, which all have the same issue as shown in this screenshot - the Japanese is given, the answer has to be in Japanese, but whatever it is looking for, it isn’t what is being shown. Not only will my Reviews never show zero again at this rate, but also it affects the percentages of correct answers as each time this comes up I am marked wrong.

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Should these numbers be the same?

It doesn’t seem to be a stage thing either: image

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I’m guessing those are items you’ve just done?
Those values are cached, so after waiting a day they will likely update.

Please let us know if they don’t!

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So sorry!! I totally forgot about your message… :woozy_face:
Thanks for the bump.

I found the the issue and fixed it.
There were 9 Vocab items that had this bug.

We’re gonna run code over the DB to fix it for any other users.
So you’ve probably helped a few other users too!

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Just finally upgraded to an eternal subscription (shoulda done it long ago!). Looks like some template text for the proration amount managed to avoid substitution.


They actually weren’t, it had been over a week since my last lesson, but I did some new lessons last night and they seem to have synced back up.

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Some UI issues on iPhone

Hi, as FubuMiOkaKoro suggested, I am posting a bug that I found and described here. Also it has been found and discused earlier by LemonPebble here.

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This was indeed a bug I introduced yesterday…

Sorry for the inconvenience! I have fixed it.


Fixed this too!
Great spotting. Those ones are almost impossible to find until someone mentions it.

Thanks, it’s all good now, appreciated!

When I change the display language to Japanese, the lessons do not show any online/offline resources (this issue does not happen in the mobile app)

Can we no longer use vacation mode with an inactive subscription? I used to enable it for a few days at a time if I needed to pause payment for whatever reason, so as to preserve the streak. That seems to not be possible now?

(I’m paying later today, so it shouldn’t be a problem for me this time, but I’m concerned for the future).

Also, attempting to study with an inactive subscription now throws an error rather than redirect to whatever the correct page is meant to be (subscription page, perhaps?).

(Edit: As for the second error, it seems to specifically be the learn button in the top bar. The larger learn and review buttons on the homepage redirect correctly. The review button in the top bar also redirects correctly.)

(Edit 2: had accidentally said “inactive streak” when I meant “inactive subscription” Whoops!)

In the mobile app, when cramming in listening mode, is not possible to see the translation of the sentences. Pressing the ‘Hints’ button does nothing either.

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Hey @nfive
Got it fixed, it will be released with next patch.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

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amazing, thanks!!

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After doing a “flashcard” review, if the next review is a “manual input” review, sometimes the manual input box appears with “2” or “1” already filled in, depending on the previous keystroke for the “flashcard” review.