Feedback - Suggested Improvements/Feature Request


Hey! I’m guessing ya’ll have Autoplay enabled?
Clicking on the big :arrow_forward:︎ play button should open up the audio-player!
From there you can change the play speed.

This audio play speed you set also persists across the Reviews page and the Grammar/Vocab pages themselves.

Dunno if this helps your situations?

This should be fixed FYI!
Post here


Perfect, this is what I was looking for. I notice I need to set it each session, which is no problem, but is there a global setting I’m not aware of?

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It should persist between sessions.
I’ve just confirmed this and it’s definitely a bug… sorry about this!
Will patch it now and tag you in a patch release when it’s done :bowing_man:


It would be nice to add some visual indication where the progress bar level changes

Something along the lines of:


You should check this post : Massive Color Update 8/10: Better Contrast, Readability and New Accents!
It is currently being discussed here.

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I would like to have more control over Ghost creations. I feel like a learn a lot when they appear, but they can become overwhelming and I end up cheating in a few answers to avoid an excessive amount of ghosts created in the same session (which isn’t ideal).

I have 2 suggestions:

  1. It would be nice if we could control the ghost settings per stage. For me it would be:
  • Beginner: No Ghosts at all
  • Adept: Ghost after 2 mistakes if a ghost don’t exist already.
  • Seasoned: Ghost after every mistake if a ghost don’t exist already.
  • Expert: Ghost after every mistake. (multiple ghosts can exists at the same time)
  • Master: Don’t even think about the incorrect answer and a ghost appear :stuck_out_tongue: (this is a joke haha. same rule as Expert)
  1. Allow us to separate the Grammar Review from the Ghost Reviews. The reason being that sometimes I am just short in time and I want to do some reviews faster without being afraid to make mistakes.

I would love for the review sentence to show the full transformation of the word I got wrong. Example that I definitly got wrong on purpose for the sake of demonstration:

(the sad little arrow shows that I wish could style the text like the grammar info does, struck through and everything)

As a beginner, I feel like a lot of the words get really confusing when the promt is like “non-past negative polite informal request or suggestion that is not coming on too hard, not overly demanding but direct”.
When I get lost in the sauce I wish for a simple path from “面白い” to “面白くなさ過ぎた”. It could be a little optional button that I can click on so I can check and go through it again step by step. Might be way too much work though if it cant be automated I guess :man_shrugging:t2:


Sorry if this has been asked already. In the Cram section, I see there is a plan to add “Save as List” feature. Just wanted to know if this will be coming anytime soon? Thanks.


Im not sure if this had been mentioned in other thread.

  1. Will all the example sentences in one grammar point be included in the review? If not, how many example sentences will be tested for one grammer point till I reach SRS12? I want to test as much as 1 grammar point so that I can be really really familiar.

  2. Can I review the custom sentences that I made just like the format in the usual review? I like to expand the knowledge in one grammar point by searching other website as well as bunpro, such that I would insert the those example sentences to bunpro custom sentence, and I wish I can be tested.

Lastly, I have joined bunpro lifetime for around 3 months, but still I am not familiar with all function. I hope there is a video introducing key function of bunpro!


Hi there!
Welcome to the forums :wave:

  1. Yes you should be tested on every example sentence before you Master a Grammar Point!
    • There are exactly 12 example sentences per item, for this reason (you have to get the item right 12 times in a row to Master a Grammar Point)!
  2. Yes, the custom sentences you create will show up in your Review queue

thanks for the reply, looking forward to master japanese with bunpro


I don’t know if this has been asked already but is there any way you could add a timer that would mark it wrong if you don’t respond within the time limit? I feel like it would help me be forced to recall words faster and could help for listening since you have to think quick to understand the whole sentence. I think Anki has some sort of timer feature although I haven’t used Anki for a few years at this point so I definitely could be wrong. Thanks!


Has anyone ever asked about having the reviews come back more like Anki? In one batch I believe in the early morning. I don’t have a regular schedule so when I have to do my reviews in the morning but they’re all coming at night it just makes the next day a huge pile instead of a relatively similar load every day. I like how I can do all of my Anki in one sitting and having a consistent workload.

Having them come hourly suggests that to do all your days reviews when they are released would mean using Bunpro every hour. Plus memory isn’t to-the-hour precise so I do not think retention would be negatively affected. If someone knows a benefit of this I am not aware of please let me know because otherwise its a tad annoying. WaniKani suffers the same problem which made it make even more sense to unsucribe and move all of my vocab/ kanji study to Anki.

Streamlining setting levels/mastering (especially vocabulary)

Hi! New user of BunPro here and I’m studying for N3.
I want to start incorporating vocabulary (including words from N5/N4), but its been painful to go through everything to add the ones I want to study (and set the level). There’s not a great way to quickly look at a list of vocab and add to reviews/set levels/or mark ones I have engrained into my brain marked as mastered. I would love a faster way to do this other than clicking each word and waiting for it to load.

The best way I’ve been doing this is learning it as normal, then setting the level during the quiz but that still takes a lot of clicks for each individual word.


A way to see which other alternative answers will be accepted for each example sentence on grammar points.
This helps when adding alternative answers to your own self-study sentences :slight_smile:



It has been a while since I did some reading practice with Bunpro,
and I wanted to check where I was last time.
But from this page Log in - Japanese Grammar Explained | Bunpro
I cannot see witch lesson I did (the ones marked as read). It could be usefull to have an overview of the progression on this page directly, instead of having to click on each lesson.
Maybe something like the srs stage fro grammar points.

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Would it be possible to have an option to cap the number of concurrent ghosts for a single grammar point?

I appreciate this is a bit of a skill issue, but recently I went through the N4 honorific lessons in quick succession and ended up with nearly 60 ghosts in one go, mainly from the same grammar points which I hadn’t got a handle on yet:


It has definitely helped, although it would be nice if I could cap the number of ghosts I have currently running at say five and just drop the SRS level - now that I’ve got to the tail end of them it has become a bit repetitive.


Yeah, I seem to be getting a strange “FOOC” symbol next to completed reading lessons now :thinking:



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I would love if I could import WK Vocab that is past guru and study from that list of vocab vs just trying to get the SRS to match the WK level. I believe this is what the WK import is doing.
My issue is I can’t remember most WK words when I want to recall them to actually use them in speaking, writing, etc.

Is this something that is being explored right now at Bunpro? Am I maybe misunderstanding how the Vocab Import currently works with Bunpro?

Also, I did a reset of all vocab recently and noticed it seems my old vocab still has ghosts. Is there a way to remove these ghosts? Not the grammar ghosts, but the vocab ghosts.