Dashboard 2.0 Beta

Dashboard 2.0 is now in Beta!

The next piece of the puzzle as we move towards the new system – the Dashboard!

:gear: How to Enable

  1. Go to your settings.

  2. If you haven’t already, Opt In under “Bunpro Beta” settings.

  3. Enable “Dashboard 2.0” Beta.


NOTE: If you do not want to use the Beta Dashboard permanently, but still want to check it out, you can access it directly here

:dart: Purpose

We’re transitioning the Dashboard to a new system, similar to the Reviews 2.0 update.

This new system is designed and coded from scratch and is significantly faster.
The page load speed and page transition time from other pages onto new Dashboard is now instant and should hopefully make the the Bunpro Loop™ of going between the Dashboard/Review/Summary pages feel a lot smoother.

As with Reviews 2.0 Beta, we’ll release this feature for user feedback before the official launch. The testing period will be shorter than Review 2.0’s Beta since there aren’t many changes from Dashboard 1.0.

:spiral_notepad: What’s changed

Forecast Graph

Probably the biggest change to the current forecast graph, we have decided to make the graph always cumulative.

  • It will now show each bar (representing an hour/day) as the cumulative total of those that came before it – any that are unchanged versus the previous hour/day will be faded out.

  • This will allow you to see exactly how many reviews there will be at a specific time.

  • You can also use the arrow buttons to switch between the first and second 12-hours or week.

Activity Graph

SRS Progress Section

Latest Community Discussions

A slightly more colorful and informative Community section

:loudspeaker: Feedback

We have been working hard at this new version of the Dashboard, but like anything, things can always be improved.

As you use these new Dashboard, we would love to hear anything and everything about your experience. We intend to keep building and releasing updates to keep things moving in the right direction based on feedback, so as always, any thoughts/comments would be much appreciated! :bowing_man:

Feel free to DM me (veritas_nz) directly with any feedback, or reply directly in this thread.

Anyway… that’s basically it! I said not much has changed… :sweat_smile:

Thanks as always for your support, and happy studying!


Looks … so good :relaxed:


Yes! Thank you so much.


Omg this looks amazing, all it needs is the ability to have two decks from the homepage to learn from :pray:


Looks nice! I checked it out via the link and would say that the “faded” graphs for the forecast don’t look as faded with a dark theme and blue accents, especially the darker bars for vocab look almost the same faded/full color.

Personally, I would also prefer being able to see how many new reviews are added at a given hour without having to do math. Could that be added to the info you see on hover? For example, when it says “Vocab: 5”, and you get 3 new vocab items in the next hour, it could say “Vocab: 5+3” or “Vocab: 8 (3 new)” for that hour.


Can you make the selection selectable on the text itself like 5pm, 6pm , 7pm for time on hourly and day(e.g later, tomorrow) on daily and not on the bar as some are too small to select especially on mobile phone using the web app.

Then when selected highlight the text with a colour e.g yellow on the text that shows currently selected. Maybe can also change the colour of bar with a more contrasting colour from the rest.


Thank you so much, looks really good! I specially like the Latest Community Discussions new layout.

The only glitch I’m experiencing is this one:

And it goes on and on and on.

Once again, thank you so much for all your excellent work!


Hi ! Thanks a lot for this update.

But, I take advantage of this update to ask for something in case you are willing to :

is it possible to separate the stats of the uncoming and past review between vocabulary and grammar ? I was doing vocabulary but I soon faced more than 200 reviews incoming against 10 grammar so the stats was absolutely messy. I don’t know why the two are grouped, you made 2 news grammar point per day against 20-30 news vocabulary, so it’s not the same scale at all


I agree :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

I’m not sure if we mean the same thing, but the activity tracker showing the grammar on the top confused me, because I did like 5 grammar reviews and like 200 vocab, could you have the two lines overlap so the grammar isn’t always on top?


Oh! This is lovely!


Same for me.
Activity graph endpoint throws Internal Server Error.

Some advanced points skew the layout a little bit.

Loading more points works weird when the result is already cached and returns 304 code. Spinner spins instead of the button for a while even the result was already displayed.


The “Dashboard 2.0” setting replaces the link under the Bunpro logo for the beta/non-beta dashboard link regardless of Start Page setting. I have “Profile” selected as a start page, so this toggle should do nothing for guys like me I guess.

Absolutely love the new cumulative Forecast Graph! Thank you for the update.


It looks very cool and modern, It’s great to see the whole app coming together :heart:


Looks nice! Thanks for the update!!!


Wildly unrelated, but I have to say I love the Handsome Squidward-Morgana picture :joy:


Not sure what’s the problem, but sometimes it does keep loading longer than usual. Doesn’t happen always, once in a while it does.


Would it be possible for the review forecast to separate the total for vocab and grammar without having to hover over them? It would be really useful for deciding how much time I need to allocate that day.

Also, I actually prefer to not see the cumulative review forecast. Would it be possible to have a toggle between the cumulative and non-cumulative views of the forecast?


New dashboard looks great! Thanks a lot!

One thing that I miss from old dashboard is being able to tell how many ghosts I have on each ghost SRS level. It isn’t necessary for studying per se, but when I’m high on ghosts - it helps to know if most of them are in Stage 4 or if they are spread out across the stages because it helps me decide how much to study in a given day.


I like the new dashboard overall except the new activity graph. It look a bit out of place theming wise. Every other piece of the interface has been streamlined but that specific section has been bolded everywhere in contrast. Was probably voluntary but look a bit out of place to me. Having every day being listed in the X axis adds to the bloated feeling of it. The Y axis scaling could increase by 25 instead of 50 because it flattens the graph a bit much.

Not sure how useful how it would be but one suggestion I have is having a similar toggle button like the forecast graph to have monthly/weekly date range for the activity graph.


Three pieces of feedback:

  1. The colours for cumulative grammar and vocab on the dark theme are really alike. This is less an issue myself, as I’ve imported vocab from Wanikani which I started a long time ahead of Bunpro so can just assume that they’re all stale grammar, but users using Bunpro for both will surely be confused.
  2. The detailed progress listing is noticeably slower. It’s not unbearably slow or anything, but it’s noticeable and since one of the claimed benefits is that the new UI should be faster, I thought I’d mention that. Especially once you count that the old UI loads the whole set of items (at least for me) while the new one makes you wait for another spinner once you scroll down.
  3. I also really miss getting the full day in view on the graph - it’s one of the ways I judge my upcoming workload and when to add new items to study. While it’s not the end of the world to click to see the second half every day, it’s definitely more tedious than the old. If you’re set on the visuals of the wider columns in the graph, then maybe some sort of daily/weekly total count somewhere on screen would be nice? Also I’m checking this on my laptop at the moment, but I suspect it may end up looking kind of silly on my large monitor.

Looks great, in particular I love the review forecast which makes more sense now.