
Hey everyone! :wave:

I have a question for the pet owners of Bunpro, what kind of pets do you guys have?

I have a cute little dog!

Speaking of dogs, this week we will be looking at a slang that is seen a lot online, but did not originate on the internet. The word for this week is ワンチャン.

So what is ワンチャン?

Yes, this is a ワンちゃん, but this is not the ワンチャン you are looking for.


This is week 4 of these posts, so many of you might already know that I am going to be talking about dogs.

Jokes aside, ワンチャン is an abbreviation for the word ワンチャンス and if you have lived in Japan for the last few years, you may have heard this being used in daily conversation and on text messages.

Origin :mahjong:

Unlike the past few slang that have been introduced here, this slang did not originate in 2ch. In stead it comes from the phrase ワンチャンス, which has been used in the mahjong world. ワンチャンス was used to describe a situation where three of a specific number or tiles are visible to you. I am not very knowledgeable with mahjong, but apparently this is basically a situation where you have a small chance of winning.

Throughout the years, it slowly made its way to the younger generation, and to make it easier to say, it got abbreviated to ワンチャン.

How is it used? :thinking:

Although ワンチャン comes from the English phrase ‘One chance’, it is not used like how it is used in English, and might not make sense if you were to translate it literally.

Eventhough it was originally used like the English phrase, now it is used in place of words like もしかしたら, かもしれない, 多分, 恐らく, 可能性がある, and ひょっとしたら. It could also be used to say that A is a possible option.

This means that if any of the above can be used, ワンチャン can be used, however, the order or the sentence will change.

Let’s take a look at how are used!

  • 「今日何食べに行く?」
    ‘Do you wanna go eat?’
    ‘How about ramen? Sushi might be good too. (Shushi is one option that sounds great)’

  • RADWIMPSの曲は無理だけど、VAUNDYのだったらワンチャン歌えそう。(RADWIMPSの曲は無理だけど、VAUNDYのだったら多分歌えるかもしれない。)
    ‘I cant sing any RADWIMPS’ song, but if its VAUNDY’s I could probably sing it.’

  • 「この後マック行く?」「ワンチャンあり。」(それは選択肢としてあり)
    ‘Wanna go to McDonald’s after this?’
    ‘That’s an option (Sounds good)’

  • うわ、取引先に間違ったファイル送っちゃったよ。明日ワンチャン先輩に怒られるな。
    ‘Oof, I sent the wrong file to our client. Senpai is probably going to rip me a new one tomorrow.’

Now that you know how to use this phrase, try using it with your friends! As this is a casual phrase, it might be best to use this phrase between your peers!

Examples with furigana
  • 「今日(きょう)何(なに)食(た)べに行(い)く?」
    ‘Do you wanna go eat?’
    ‘How about ramen? Sushi might be good too. (Shushi is one option that sounds great)’

  • RADWIMPSの曲(きょく)は無理(むり)だけど、VAUNDYのだったらワンチャン歌(うた)えそう。(RADWIMPSの曲(きょく)は無理(むり)だけど、VAUNDYのだったら多分(たぶん)歌(うた)えるかもしれない。)
    ‘I cant sing any RADWIMPS’ song, but if its VAUNDY’s I could probably sing it.’

  • 「この後(あと)マック行(い)く?」「ワンチャンあり。」(それは選択肢(せんたくし)としてあり)
    ‘Wanna go to McDonald’s after this?’
    ‘That’s an option (Sounds good)’

  • うわ、取引先(とりひきさき)に間違(まちが)ったファイル送(おく)っちゃったよ。明日(あした)ワンチャン先輩(せんぱい)に怒(おこ)られるな。
    ‘Oof, I sent the wrong file to our client. Senpai is probably going to rip me a new one tomorrow.’

Now that you know how to use this phrase, try using it with your friends! You could ワンチャン impress them! As this is a casual phrase, it might be best to use this phrase between your peers!

If you need extra help using this phrase, feel free to use the comment section to ask questions or to practice using this word!


If you missed the previous posts, you can check them out here!

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