Semi-useful 2ch Slang[乙~スラ(14)]

Hey everyone! :wave:


Today, I will introduce several slang that have originated on 2ch.

If you have missed this thread, make sure to check it out! In that thread I explained how many slang used on the internet now originated on a board on 2ch called なんでも実況板 (じっきょういた)or なんj. In this post I explained how that board was originally an ‘unofficial official’ baseball board. As mentioned on that thread, this board was filled with mostly baseball fans, and due to this many of the slang that came from here were baseball themed. Although there are a bunch of baseball themed slang, I have picked some of the most famous/popular ones today that could possibly be used starting today.

クレメンス :pray:

Any ideas on how this is used or what this means? You may have heard me use this somewhere, or you may have read it used on one of the threads I linked. :sweat_smile:

Believe it or not クレメンス is equivalent to the grammar point てください. To be more precise, クレメンス is basically the casual version (てくれ) of the grammar point てください. This means that this slang will be used when you are asking someone to do something for you.

Let’s take a look at some examples.

The font on my PC is acting up lol. Someone please help.

Someone, please teach me how to make money easily.

Everyone, please listen to the music I made.

Example with furigana

The font on my PC is acting up lol. Someone please help.

Someone, please teach me how to make money easily.

Everyone, please listen to the music I made.

クレメンス? Where does it come from and why is it in katakana? Is it a name?

Yes it is a name! It is the name of an American professional baseball player who played 24 seasons in the Major League. Roger Clemens. Since he played for popular teams, such as the Red Sox and the New York Yankees, even Japanese baseball fans knew him.

Why was his name used? Although there is no source for this, I can tell you with high confidence that people started to use this since it just rolls off the tongue. 助けてクレメンス.

Although the other ones I will be introducing are also popular, you would probably see this one the most on the internet.

ハラデイ :camera_flash:

As you may have suspected, this one is also based on the name of a former professional baseball player, Harry Leroy ‘Roy’ Halladay III.

ハラデイ is used kind of like クレメンス, however, it is only used when talking about asking for pictures.

But why ハラデイ? This is because on forums, 貼る is the word that is used to mean ‘to post a picture’, and the ハラ sounds close enough to 貼る.

Let’s take a look at some examples.


Please post a picture.

A: 昨日めちゃ綺麗なお姉さんとデートに行った。
B: ハラデイ
A: I went to on a date with a really pretty lady.
B: Post a pic plz

Example with furigana

Please post a picture.

A: 昨日(きのう)めちゃ綺麗(きれい)なお姉(ねえ)さんとデートに行(い)った。
B: ハラデイ
A: I went to on a date with a really pretty lady.
B: Post a pic plz

As seen in the second example, this word can be used by itself.

サンガツ :+1:

No, we are not talking about 三月, it has nothing to do with the month. This is actually a combination of サンキュー ‘thank you’ and ガッツ ‘guts’.

The ガッツ used here was a nickname given to a former professional baseball player, 小笠原道大 (Ogasawara Michihiro). But why him? This is because 小笠原道大 was popular at this time and it was in the middle of the baseball season. Because of this, people were using an ASCII art of him when they wanted to say ‘thank you’. After a while, ASCII art + サンキュー turned into サンキューガッツ and then people decided that this was too much, so they shortened it to サンガツ.

          ,,r-─- 、r-─- 、 
        /          \ 
       /       人ヽ、ヾ   ヽ 

      .}    ノ /    ヽ、ゝ、ノ 

      {      ノ =≡=-、 ,r=≡=i 
       |     / `ー=・-、 (r=・-‘( 
      ノ {ヽ ノ    /   | ヽ  l 
     ノ  ノヽ/       ,、_)   ノ
     .フ  |  ゙i     彡リリミミ /
      )  |   ヽ   ii ー=ニ=-ii ノ 
      `ゝ.|    ヾ !! ””  / 
        |      ミ彡リリミミヽ  


This one is used to show appreciation. Used just like ありがとう!

Let’s take a look at some examples.


Thank you for teaching me.


Example with furigana

Thank you for teaching me.


You could also use トンクス. This is the combination of サンクス and the トン from ありがとん.


Although サンガツ does get used outside of なんj, it is a bit rare, so you may not see it too often, and not too many people will know this word. On the other hand, you would probably never see トンクス used outside of なんj, and because of this, most people might not even know this word (I didn’t even know this word and have never encountered it).

〇〇杉内 :chart_with_upwards_trend:

This one is based off a former professional baseball player, 杉内俊哉 (Sugiuchi Toshiya). This one is used just like the grammar point すぎる, except it won’t sound natural with a verb. Since this is used just like the grammar point すぎる, you will be able to master 杉内 if you checked that grammar page out. Since the player’s name is すぎうち, 杉内 is read as すぎうち and not すぎない (on some text to speech videos it is sometimes read as すぎない, but this is a TTS error).

So why was his name used? Is it simply because his name includes すぎ? Well, that was one of the reason, but people actually started using 杉内 in place of すぎる because he was the first baseball player in the Japanese league to accomplish numerous feats, including the first no-hit, no-run game in both the national high school baseball tournament and professional baseball tournament. In short, he was a ヤバすぎる player, and because his name has the word すぎ in it people on なんj started to used his name.

Let’s take a look at some examples.


Apparently our teacher got arrested yesterday. Super crazy.

This comedian is too funny.

Example with furigana

Apparently our teacher got arrested yesterday. Super crazy.

This comedian is too funny.

Although all of these slang are common to people who use the internet a lot, they are not as popular as some other slang that leaked out of 2chan, such as 草. Because of this, to people that aren’t on the internet 24/7, they might just sound like words without meaning. However, if you use these on people that are on the internet a lot they might find it impressive that you know these slang.


:shorts: Fuga :shorts:

If you missed the previous posts, you can check them out here!

Previous posts

陰キャ・陽キャ [乙〜スラ(10)]
DQN [乙〜スラ(13)]


Maybe in the future we can get a 2ch deck with all of these great explanations.

I have a question: the site was renamed to 5ch several years back after the domain was stolen from Hiroyuki. Do people still call it 2ch even after all these years or have they moved on to calling it 5ch? Like if I wanted to ask my friend if he uses the site what should I say?

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Hey @rururun !

Creating a dek out of this sounds like a good idea, I will suggest this idea to the team!

What people call it really depends on who is talking about it. The official ‘2ch’ that people use is actually 5ch, but some people still call it ‘2ch’ since they are more familiar with the old name. It is similar to how some people still call ‘X’, ‘Twitter’, and some people will probably keep on referring it as Twitter.

If you are asking a friend if they use it, you should use 5ch to avoid confusion!