
Hey everyone! :raising_hand_man:





This 沼 is not related to the derogatory slang that is often related to the streamer by the name of うんこちゃん.

沼…る? :hole:

Yes, this is a made up verb that derived from the word 沼(ぬま), which means swamp.

As you can suggest from the origin of this word, this word is used similarly to the word ハマる, which means to ‘get into something’. However, 沼る has a stronger nuance. Unlike ハマる, 沼る is used when someone becomes deeply invested in or obsessed with something.

Origin :open_book:

It is said that this emerged from online fan communities on social media platforms such as Twitter around 2015. It is said that before the word 沼る came to be, online fan communities used the word 沼 (swamp), to describe any hobbies or interests that someone could easily ‘sink into’.

Why 沼 and not something like 池 or 川?

This is because unlike a pond or a river, swamps are muddy, and because of that it is harder to escape or get out of them once you fall into it.

Once this use of 沼 gained popularity, people created the the verb form of this word to express the action of ‘sinking into’ something.

Usage :memo:

Although this word was started in the オタク sub-culture, this word can be used to describe any hobbies and interests outside of the anime/manga/idol sub-culture. For example, this can range from anything like binge-watching a show to a niche hobby that requires a lot of time and/or money to be invested in, like knitting.

Let’s take a look at some examples:

  • 昨日ネトフリで配信スタートしたドラマ見た?あれは絶対見たほうがいいよ!けど、絶対沼まるから見るんだったら時間あるときのほうがいいかも。
    Did you watch the new show that just started streaming on Netflix yesterday? You absolutely have to watch it! But, you are definitely going to get sucked into it so it might be best to watch it when you have time.

  • 先月ゲームのガチャに沼って、10万溶けた。
    Last month, I got sucked into the gacha mechanic of a game and spent 100,000 yen. (I spent 100,000 yen on a gacha to get an item I wanted)

  • こんな沼に足を突っ込まなければ、今頃新車でも買えたんだろうな。
    I bet I would have been able to buy a brand new car if I didn’t stick my feet into a hobby like this.

  • 俺、女の人に褒められると沼るから、コンカフェとかに行ったら100パーカモられる。
    I get obsessed with women who compliment me, so If I go to a concept cafe, I will 100% get taken advantage of.

Examples with furigana
  • 昨日(きのう)ネトフリで配信(はいしん)スタートしたドラマ見(み)た?あれは絶対(ぜったい)見(み)たほうがいいよ!けど、絶対(ぜったい)沼(ぬま)るから見(み)るんだったら時間(じかん)あるときのほうがいいかも。
    Did you watch the new show that just started streaming on Netflix yesterday? You absolutely have to watch it! But, you are definitely going to get sucked into it so it might be best to watch it when you have time.

  • 先月(せんげつ)ゲームのガチャに沼(ぬま)って、10万(まん)溶(と)けた。
    Last month, I got sucked into the gacha mechanic of a game and spent 100,000 yen. (I spent 100,000 yen on a gacha to get an item I wanted)

  • こんな沼(ぬま)に足(あし)を突(つ)っ込(こ)まなければ、今頃(いまごろ)新車(しんしゃ)でも買(か)えたんだろうな。
    I bet I would have been able to buy a brand new car if I didn’t stick my feet into a hobby like this.

  • 俺(おれ)、女(おんな)の人(ひと)に褒(ほ)められると沼(ぬま)るから、コンカフェとかに行(い)ったら100パーカモられる。
    I get obsessed with women who compliment me, so If I go to a concept cafe, I will 100% get taken advantage of.

As you can see in the last example, 沼る can be used when talking about an obsession with a person. When it is used towards a person, it has the nuance that they are so obsessed with the person that they cannot live life without that person. Sometimes this is referred to as 沼恋.

Nuance :pencil2:

Although this word usually has a neutral nuance, because it does imply a lack of self-control, it could be used and be taken negatively. Due to this, it would be best to not use it towards people, unless you know you are using it with a neutral nuance or if the person you are using it towards is close to you.

Since this is a word that can be used in any community, you will definitely see it a lot, especially if what you are interested in requires any sort of investment, whether it is time or money.



:shorts: Fuga :shorts:

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陰キャ・陽キャ [乙〜スラ(10)]
DQN [乙〜スラ(13)]
Semi-useful 2ch Slang[乙~スラ(14)]
ROM [乙~スラ(18)]