陰キャ・陽キャ [乙〜スラ(10)]

Good morning everyone! :wave:


Today we will be looking at 2 words that is often seen together!

陰キャ & 陽キャ

Let’s look at what each of these kanji mean.

Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 13-32-42 陰 意味 - Google Search

  • A place the sunlight does not shine. Shade. To get cloudy. The northern part of a mountain. The south side of a river.
  • A hidden place. Something that is unknown to man. To stay inside and keep a low profile.

Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 13-33-07 陽 意味 - Google Search

  • Light from the sun.
  • The side that faces the sun. Sunlight. The South side of a mountain. The northern part of a river.

And, what is キャ?

キャ is an abbreviation for the word キャラクター. This means that 陰(いん)キャ is short for 陰キャラクター and 陽(よう)キャ is short for 陽キャラクター

I’m sure with all this information, many of you might know or have an idea on what these words mean.

If you guessed introvert/extrovert, you are correct!

As the definitions suggests, 陰キャ refers to a person that is 暗(くら)い ‘dark/downer’ which is a word used to describe a person that keeps to themselves and are not too talkative, and 陽キャ refers to a person that is 陽気 (happy/energetic), which is a word used to describe people that are very outgoing.

Origin :open_book:

Since the origin of these words are not recorded, there are several theories of where it began. One of the theories is that it was originally used on 2ch and spread to the other parts of the internet (surprise surprise). On 2ch it was originally used to describe outgoing and quiet people.

The second theory is that it started within the anime/manga subculture to describe an outgoing main character, and a not so outgoing supporting character.

The third theory is that it is an evolved version of the slang リア充(じゅう) and 非(ひ)リア充(じゅう) since they share a very similar meaning.


リア充 is an abbreviation for the phrase 現実(げんじつ)(リアル)の生活(せいかつ)が充実(じゅうじつ)している (To have a fulfilling life). This phrase was used a lot a few years ago to describe people living the ‘dream life’, which usually meant having a very good romantic and social life. After reading that you might think 非リア充 is simply the opposite of リア充, but that’s not entirely true. In addition to the opposite meanings of リア充, 非リア充 was also used to refer to people who were in an unhappy relationship, people in a crappy social group, or people who were not able to keep a relationship (both romantic and social). However, since having a ‘good life’ or a ‘bad life’ is subjective, some chose not to use it and those words slowly faded away.

How/when are they used? :thinking:

The usage of these words vary and can be used in many situations. Sometimes people will use it to describe themselves…

Since I’m an introvert, I don’t really like parties lol

I am an extrovert to I feel like I always have to be around people.
(People say if you have to claim that you are a 陽キャ you are in fact a 陰キャ since a true 陽キャ would not care)

Examples with furigana

Since I’m an introvert, I don’t really like parties lol

I am an extrovert to I feel like I always have to be around people.
(People say if you have to claim that you are a 陽キャ you are in fact a 陰キャ since a true 陽キャ would not care)

And sometimes they are used as an insult.

Shut up introvert!

This is why I hate it when there is a group of extroverts.

Examples with furigana

Shut up introvert!

This is why I hate it when there is a group of extroverts.

Although they could both be used as insults, you would probably hear/see 陰キャ used as an insult far more than 陽キャ. The reason for this is because being an introvert has a negative connotation and this is due to the culture in Japan. In Japan, people are constantly told that they must always be 明(あか)るい (cheerful) especially around people. If you aren’t 明るい you are considered to be 暗い (a downer). Since this expectation is hammered down into people from a young age, being introverted is seen as something bad by the majority, and people labeled as 暗い could be seen as the ‘creepy’ type even if they are just quiet.

陽キャ is usually used in a positive light since these people are usually very liked, always happy, and very confident, due to being 明るい. This means that the word 陽キャ is usually used in like how ‘Chad’, ‘Stacy’, or ‘Alpha’ is used in the western side of the internet. Although it is rare, 陽キャ could be used as an insult. As seen in the last example, when it is used as an insult, it is used to call someone and idiot or stupid. Why is this? This is because there is a stereotype that 陽キャ are ‘party people’ that have nothing on their mind.

チーズ牛丼 :cut_of_meat:

No, I’m not abruptly changing the topic to talk about 牛丼(ぎゅうどん).

In 2018, a picture from 2008 was posted on a thread in なんj, a 2ch board.

This is a drawing of a person ordering an extra large gyudon with three kinds of cheese sprinkled on top with a side of onsen tamago. This was actually drawn by a person called いびりょ back in 2008, when he was still in high-school. He based this drawing on himself and posted it on his blog, then 10 years later it resurfaced on a thread called 「なんJ 昼のニート無職部 part3」.

When this picture was posted, people on the board lost their minds since the person in the drawing looks like a stereotypical 陰キャ/ヲタク. From this day on, people on the internet started to use チー牛 as an insult for people that looked like they are a 陰キャ.

When 陰キャ is used it is usually used to describe someone’s personality trait. However, チー牛 is used to describe someone’s appearance along with their personality since チー牛 is short for チーズ牛丼(ぎゅうどん)を注文(ちゅうもん)してそうな顔(かお) (A person that looks like they order cheese gyudon). Due to the picture this word originated from and the nuance, it is never used in a positive way and it is only used as an insult or for self-deprecating jokes.

Lets see how this one is used.

チー牛 do not look good even if they wear luxury brand clothes.

Yo, チー牛, stop trying to look cool!

Sorry for being such an introvert.

I’m too much of an introvert that life is hard.

Examples with furigana

チー牛 do not look good even if they wear luxury brand clothes.

Yo, チー牛, stop trying to look cool!

Sorry for being such an introvert.

I’m too much of an introvert that life is hard.

Due to the negative nuance this word has, you need to be careful when using it. For example, in 2020, the company director of SEGA said that some of the players that participated in a tournament for the game ぷよぷよ looked like they eat チーズ牛丼, which lead to a 炎上. This was most likely said as a joke, but due to the background of this meme, it could sound very insulting.



:shorts: Fuga :shorts:

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Also just for added context 陰陽 means Yin-Yang.

They are the two halves of the the 道.