Hey everyone!
This week, we will be covering the meme format 〇〇構文. The 〇〇 part is just a placeholder!
Before we get dive into this slang, let’s break this down and take a look at what 構文 means first.
The organization of a sentence (and coherent parts of a sentence) from a formal point of view. The composition of a sentence.
Basically, 構文 means ‘syntax’ or ‘sentence structure’!
Now let’s look at the 〇〇 part. As mentioned above, this is just a place holder and it usually contains a name or a group of people.
So the structure of this phrase is ‘NAME/GROUP + Sentence structure’.
What exactly is 〇〇構文?
〇〇構文 is an internet meme where people make parody sentences based on how a person or a group of people write. It is a bit like Copypastas, except these usually get modified since the content is not the main part of the meme, but the sentence structure is.
This probably sounds confusing. This might make more sense after seeing some examples!
Let’s take a look at some popular examples!
The first and most popular example is おじさん構文 (middle-aged men sentence structure) .
Middle-aged men sentence structure? What the heck does that even mean?
This is exactly what it sounds like. It is a sentence structure you might seen used by older men (mostly older men that were around the flip phone era). So what would this look like?
These are some of the characteristics of how middle-aged men write (of course these are stereotypes):
- They use writing styles that was popular during the flip phone era
- Strangely self confident/likes to brag
- Acts as if you guys are best friends, or very 馴れ馴れしい (No sense of boundaries)
- Very obvious that they have ulterior motives (when talking to younger women)
- Uses an excessive amount of emoji
- Random uses of katakana
Example of おじさん構文 :
Example with furigana
Hey OO, hope you are doing well! It’s getting pretty hot recently isn’t it? Make sure you take care of yourself so that you don’t get a heat stroke today. It’s still early so I am guessing that you are still asleep? By the way, you appeared in my dream last night! I have a lot to do today but I will do my best with you on my mind! I might treat myself with ramen for lunch today! I remember you saying that you liked ramen the other day, didn’t you? Why don’t we go get dinner next time you are free?
If there is a おじさん, there must be a おばさん .
おばさん構文 is not too different from おじさん構文. Since these are people from the same era, they have very similar sentence structures and use the same kind of emojis. Although they are basically the same, there are several things that separate the おじさんs and the おばさんs. In addition to the おじさん structure, おばさん構文:
- usually repeats the same emoji, even if it is not necessary
- will use 「〜」instead of 「ー」
*tend to use 「…」 and small あいうえお「ぁぃぅぇぉ」
Lets take a quick look at a おばさん構文:
Example with furigana
Good morning! Thank you for hanging out with me for so long last night! I had so much fun! Lets meet again soon!
Wow… these were very painful to write.
Although this style of writing is considered a meme by most younger people, this is just how some people actually write. Due to the weird sentence structure, both おじさん and おばさん構文 are typically treated as the prime example of a キモい writing style.
ヒス構文 is another 構文 that became huge on the internet.
The ヒス used here is short for ヒステリー or hysteria, and it is used when you want to describe a person that is being overly emotional and blurting out whatever is on their mind without restraint due to frustration. On the internet, this word is mostly used when the person being emotional is a woman.
ヒス構文 usually refers to the sentence structure frustrated mothers use to guilt trip their children or spouse by doing some mind gymnastics and by changing the point of the topic so that it seems like the speaker is being attacked.
Lets take a quick look at some ヒス構文:
Example with furigana
Me: I ate a cookie my friend’s mother made, and it was so delicious!
Mother: Huh, you never ask me to make you cookies. If you don’t tell me that you want homemade cookies, I can’t make you any, I’m not a mind-reader. If they were so good, why don’t you go live with them?
Example with furigana
Me:Good morning!
Mother:Good morning? Are you making sure that I’m awake? Would it be better if I didn’t wake up? Are you telling me that I should be asleep forever?
Since this 構文 is more customizable and is more obvious that it is a joke, younger people have started to use this style of writing when responding to text messages from friends.
For example if a friend has not responded to your text for a few minutes, you could respond with:
Example with furigana
Late reply huh? I’m guessing you just want to end our LINE conversation asap, don’t you? I get it, talking to me is such a waste of time isn’t it?
Since this one is self deprecating, you should only use this type of 構文 when talking to friends or people that know you enough to know that you are joking. If you use this to someone you don’t know too well, they may think you are a pain in the butt to talk to (面倒臭い), or you might make the other person feel uncomfortable.
Another popular 〇〇構文 is the 小泉(こいずみ)構文. The 小泉 here refers to 小泉(こいずみ)進次郎(しんじろう) one one the sons of the former prime minister 小泉純一郎(じゅんいちろう). The 小泉構文 became a meme when he made a speech after being appointed to become the Minister for the Environment at the age of 38. The structure of this sentence is that the former part of the sentence and the latter part of the sentence is the same. This structure’s sentences are long, but only half the sentence is needed to get the message across. There is another characteristic and that is that he has the tendency to make things sound ‘poetic’.
Example with furigana
Thanks to remote work, I was able to do official buisness remotely.
Example with furigana
Wanting to eat something every day is not the same as eating it everyday.
Example with furigana
We need to make some changes. This is why I think Japan will have to make some changes.
These some of the most famous 小泉構文, and because of how redundant each of these sentences are, there was a time where people on the internet would try to top his statements when texting friends.
For example one of the most famous fan made one is:
Example with furigana
Today is your birthday? I was also born on my birthday.
I hope these examples gave you a better understanding of what 〇〇構文 is! As you can tell from the examples, unlike Copypastas, each 構文 is different from one another because each of them has an unique template. You probably won’t see the term 〇〇構文 as often, but you will definitely see people using some kind of 構文 on forums or on comment sections of a video. These will probably be harder to spot since you have to be up with current events, and as learners, noticing an abnormal sentence structure could be a bit of a challenge.
If you missed the previous posts, you can check them out here!