
Hey everyone! :wave:

I hope everyone is surviving the heat!

This week’s topic is going to be a little different, since this phrase did not originate online, but actually on TV.

The word we will be covering this week is 飛(と)ぶぞ.

This phrase is actually a combination of the Godan verb 飛ぶ with the sentence ending particle . (ぞ (日本語能力試験 N0) | Bunpro)

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 11.07.28



  1. Fly
    (A bird, plane, or thrown object) traveling (fast) through the air.

As you have figured out already, we are not talking about any of the definitions listed…or are we?

Origin? :tv:

飛ぶぞ was part of a phrase (食(く)ってみな、飛(と)ぶぞ) said by a former Pro wrestler 長州力(ちょうしゅうりき)(Choushu Riki) on a episode of a variety show called 相席食堂(あいせきしょくどう).

In each episode of 相席食堂, two guests are brought to a city, a town, or a village (each are brought to different locations), and each of them are assigned to go around the town and interview local stores or find hidden gems in that location, and eventually find a restaurant (食堂) where they can eat and talk (相席) with a random person. On the episode 長州力 was on, he was sent to a small town in Hokkaido, and the met a scallop farmer, who offered him some of his dried scallops. When he had a bite of the scallop, to express how good they were, he said…


How is this phrase funny? :thinking:

You might be thinking, ‘Is this phrase actually that funny’? The ting is, 飛ぶ is usually used in the context of drugs, similar to how, ‘high’ is used in English. It is, or at least until this point, was never used in the context of food or anything other than something related to drugs. Since Japan is a very conservative country (as many of you already know), especially when it comes to drug usage, a once very famous wrestler saying this on TV made it very out of place and absurd. On top of the absurdity of the comment, the look on his face when he said it looked like someone who just did some drugs. Since everything that happened was so out of place and absurd, the hosts had to stop the clip and when they did, the first things out of their mouths were 「1回(かい)ヤっとる人(ひと)なんよ」 ‘This dude has definitely done (drugs) it once’, and「それ(薬物(やくぶつ))勧(すす)める時(とき)やから」 ‘That is something you say when you offer (drugs)’.

Although it was such an absurd comment to make after eating a scallop, many people found this phrase extremely funny, and it became a very popular phrase to describe food that is extremely delicious.

After this episode aired on TV, this phrase became so widespread that it leaked into unexpected places. For example, if a player received a chocolate from ダイタクヘリオス (Daitaku Helios) during a valentines day event on the app ‘ウマ娘(むすめ)プリティーダービー’, a message appeared that said 「食べてみ。飛ぶべ☆」.

How/when can I use this? :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:

Using this is quite simple! Since 飛ぶぞ has the nuance of ‘It is so delicious that it will make your spirit fly’, you can use it when you want to emphasize that what you are offering is really good, like REALLY good.

Interested in the show? :tv:

For those who are interested, this show is usually very slow paced and has a very raw vibe to it since not too much is scripted. Because the guests aren’t given a script and because they are dealing with the public, you can see the more ‘human’ side of certain celebrities and it can be a good resource to learn casual conversational Japanese. It is an interesting show since the guests can range from unknown comedians or relatives of famous comedians, to popular singers, to a multimillionaire like ひろゆき (the founder of 2ch) himself.


If you missed the previous posts, you can check them out here!

Previous posts



I am 100% going to try to catch the master of my local yakitori place off guard while he is drinking with this.


Bonus points if you can say it like 長州力


+1 for 相席食堂 and…

I brought this up during a conversation with the new guy at work today and got some big laughs so +2! (don’t worry, it was appropriate in the context)


Glad to hear that someone is using it! It probably adds more funny points when a non-native uses it! Element of surprise