
Hey Everyone! :wave:



The phrase of this week is 今北産業.

今北産業? :office:

You might be thinking, ‘What? Imakita Industry? That sounds like a name, how is that a phrase? Did the heat finally fry Fuga’s brains, and is he going to start yapping about a company? Did he eat ‘ the special scallops’ from Hokkaido?’

Well, if you have read any of the previous posts, you probably could guess that the kanji used in this phrase mean nothing and we are not going to talk about some random company…or will we?

So do you have any guesses on what this one means?

Hint: Don’t think too hard, and focus on how this one is read.

This one might make more sense when it is written down in hiragana.


That probably made it easier to guess. The next hint is that this slang comes from….drumrolls…そう!That’s right, 2ch!

In what context was/is 今北産業 used? :thinking:

This phrase actually was not written like this all the time. Originally, when a thread started to get popular, and people joined in the middle of the thread, instead of going back and reading everything to catch up with the conversation, people said, 今来た三行, which roughly translates as ‘I just arrived, three lines’. This phrase was used to express 今(いま)来(き)たばかりだから、これまでの流(なが)れを三行(さんぎょう)でまとめて ‘I just got here so can someone please summarize what has happened so far in 3 lines?’. This is similar to how TL;DR is used in the western side of the internet.

People do explain things in 3 lines, however sometimes people will explain things in 4 sentences or 2 sentences, you know, to be funny. Due to this, a competitor of 今北産業 was established. 今北紙業. Obviously, this is another play on words of いまきたし(よん)ぎょう, which is a play on words of a play on words that was created for the lulz.

But why 今北産業? :man_shrugging:

You might be wondering, where does the north and the industry part come from? Is there any significance? The answer to this is no. There is no deep meaning for why these kanji are used. It is said that this was simply a typo, and people started to use it because they thought it was funny.

Is it an actual actual company?

If you search for 今北産業 on google, you will find a website that makes it seem like there is an actual company. However, as you guessed, this is a fake website for a fake company. This becomes clear when you go to their website and actually read what is written.

This word is considered a bit dated, so you may not see it used too much, or if you do, you can assume that it is an older person (older as in millennials) that is commenting. If you do use it where there are a lot of younger people (places like X and instagram), they may not understand what you are saying. If you use this on a thread where there isn’t too much to read, you would probably be told 自分で読め so you might want to read the room before typing it.

Did you 今北 and want me to explain it in 産業?


Just means TL;DR

暑い日がまだ続くみたいだから、ちゃんと水分補給しろよ! :potable_water:

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