ありがとうございます?ました?[どっちシリーズ その19]

こんにちは!読みに来てくださりありがとうございます。ハロウィーンの季節ですね :ghost: :jack_o_lantern: みなさまいかがお過ごしでしょうか。

さて、今日はお礼を言うときの代表的な表現である「ありがとうございます」と「ありがとうございました」の違いについて考えてみたいと思います :heart:

「ありがとうございます」と「ありがとうございました」の違い :point_up:



つまり、通常のお礼の表現は「ありがとうございます」で、これに完了や終了のニュアンスが加わった表現が「ありがとうございました」です。では、それぞれどのような場面で使えるのか見ていきましょう :running_woman:

実際はどのように使われているの? :eyes:


同僚 :woman_office_worker::「今日のおやつにケーキを買ってきました!」




警察官 :policeman::「はい、こちら落とし物の財布です。」




見知らぬ人 :tipping_hand_man::「これ、落としましたよ。」



別れの挨拶代わりの「ありがとうございました」 :wave:


見知らぬ人 :man_superhero::「どうぞ。」



というわけで、二つのお礼表現の違いでした!今日も記事を読んでいただき、ありがとうございました! 千絢 :smile_cat:


Hello! Thank you for coming to read this. How are you all doing?

Today I would like to talk about the difference between ありがとうございます and ありがとうございました which are common expressions for saying thank you :smile_cat:

The difference of ありがとうございます and ありがとうございました

ありがとうございます in the present tense is a common way of saying thank you, which is used when something that has just been done, is being done now, or will continue to be done.

On the other hand, ありがとうございました in the past tense is used to show gratitude for something that has been completed. It is also used as a way to mark the end of a certain situation.

In short, ありがとうございます is the usual expression of thank you, while ありがとうございました adds a nuance of completion or ending. Let’s look at situations where each is used.

How are they actually used?

First, let’s consider a situation where a coworker who was out at lunchtime brings a cake back to the office. In this case, which do you think is more appropriate?

Co-worker :woman_office_worker:: ‘I bought cake for today’s snack!’

Response 1: ‘ありがとうございます!’
Response 2: ‘ありがとうございました!’

Considering the act of buying the cake is in the past, ありがとうございました could look like a correct answer. However, it is generally common to use ありがとうございます for such everyday expressions of gratitude, even if the action has actually happened in the past.

However, if buying cakes was originally a task for a meeting with a client and completing it means the work is done, then ありがとうございました would also sound natural. Also, once you finish eating the cake, it’s considered that the activity is complete, so you can also express gratitude again by saying, like 'It was delicious. ありがとうございました.’

Now, what about when you go to the police to pick up your lost wallet?

Police Officer :policeman:: ‘Here is the wallet you lost.’

Response 1: ‘ありがとうございます。’
Response 2: ‘ありがとうございました。’

In this case, both are natural, but the focus of thank-you is different. ありがとうございます is for the police officer who is now handing you the wallet. ありがとうございました is for the entire process of receiving from someone who found the wallet, contacting you, storing it, and returning it to you. In this case, from the speaker’s perspective, the series of actions is complete once they receive the wallet.

So, what about when you drop your wallet at the station and someone picks it up and hands it to you?

Stranger :tipping_hand_man:: ‘You dropped this.’

Response 1: ‘ありがとうございます。’
Response 2: ‘ありがとうございました。’

The act of returning the wallet is happening now, so ありがとうございます is naturally appropriate. However, there are some people that would use ありがとうございました in these kinds of situations. This seems to be because by intentionally using ありがとうございました which implies an ending, the speaker wants to convey the other person that they have ended the situation and they do not intend to cause any further trouble.

ありがとうございました as a Farewell

Using ありがとうございました in the third example can be considered as a part of this expression as a farewell. ありがとうございました can replace a goodbye after all actions are complete. For example, if someone offers you a seat on the train:

Stranger :man_superhero:: ‘Here, take my seat.’
Response: ‘ありがとうございます。’

As the stranger leaves at the next station:
Greeting: ‘ありがとうございました。’

In this way, you can say ありがとうございます as thank-you, but you can imply goodby by saying ありがとうございました when the person leaves.

In this way, the usual expression of gratitude is ありがとうございます, but ありがとうございました conveys appreciation one more time and also includes ‘goodbye’ as the farewell greeting.

So, it was the difference between the two expressions of gratitude! Thank you for reading, ありがとうございました!Chihiro :smile_cat:

過去の投稿/Previous posts

As I’ve wondered in the past which expressions is appropriate when, this was really useful. I can’t say that I’ll be able to get it 100% right in the future! However I know to use ありがとうございました as a response to the message from my tutor when she sends me the (long!) list of words I didn’t know/mispronounced/completely forgot or partially forgot during our lesson.





I’m glad this post could be helpful! Both 面白い記事を投稿してくれて and 面白い投稿をしてくれて are perfectly natural expressions :smile_cat:

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I was thinking for the completion of this article…

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一方で、これからも続くシリーズ全体を対象として意識している場合は「(いつも)記事を投稿してくれてありがとうございます」のように現在形で表すのが良いと思います :smile_cat:

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