対策は、有効?有効的?[どっちシリーズ その15]

こんにちは!今週もお疲れ様です :oden: :beer:


「有効」に「的」はつくか、つかないか :brain:



「的」の基本をおさらい :muscle:

「〜的」は主に漢語の名詞(音読みの名詞)につく接尾語です。これはもともと英語の ‘-tic’ を訳したものと言われており、そのためか曖昧で造語力が高いです。「的」の意味や機能についてはいろいろな解説がありますが、ここでは山下喜代氏の考察を参考に三種類の機能を紹介します。

1. 「〜に関する」「〜としての」「〜における」などを表す。


2. 「〜のような性質を持っている」「〜という状態である」を表す。※主に抽象的な名詞に付く


3. 「〜のような」という比喩を表す。※より具体的な名詞に付く




「的」の比較的新しい用法 :seedling:


1. 「〜の面では」「〜の立場・視点では」


※ 私的:「私もそう思う」とはっきり主張することを避けたいときに、曖昧さの出る「的」を挟むことで自分の意見を少し遠回しに言う効果があります。

2. 「〜というような」:引用・例示を表す。


以上、日本語をさらに曖昧にするややこしいけど便利な言葉、「的」についてでした。また来週お会いしましょう〜!千絢 :smiley_cat:


Hello! Otsukaresamadesu for this week :oden: :beer:

Today’s topic is the use of 的. Have you ever seen both expressions この対策は有効だ and この対策は有効的だ, used to mean ‘This measure is effective’? Which one is correct, or could both be acceptable?

Does 的 attach to 有効? :brain:

In this case, 有効的だ is incorrect, while 有効だ is correct. Generally, 的 attaches to Chinese-origin nouns, but when attached to words that are also な-adjectives like 有効, it sounds unnatural. Similarly, for words like 安全 (safety), 重要 (importance), and 危険 (danger), which function as both nouns and な-adjectives, we don’t say 安全的な, 重要的な, or 危険的な.

So, why is 有効 often mistaken with 有効的? It might be because 効果的 (effective), a word with almost the same meaning, uses 的, or the word 友好的 (friendly) has the same reading, making it to confuse them. 有効 is tricky, even for native Japanese speakers.

A Quick Review of 的 :muscle:

的 is a suffix mainly attached to Chinese-origin nouns (those with an on’yomi reading). Originally, it was a translation of the English ‘-tic’, which is why it is so ambiguous and capable of forming new words. There are various explanations of its meanings and functions, but here, I’ll introduce three functions based on Kiyo Yamashita’s analysis:

1. To indicate ‘related to’, ‘as’, ‘within’, etc.

教育的観点 (an educational viewpoint) - a viewpoint regarding education
学問的業績 (academic achievements) - an achievement in academia.

2. To express ‘having a quality of’ or ‘being in a state of’. (Mainly used with abstract nouns)

本質的課題 (an essential issue) - an issue with essence
庶民的食事 (common meal) - a meal typical of common people
絶望的状況 (a desperate situation) - a situation in a state of despair.

3. To metaphorically mean ‘like’. (Attached to more specific nouns)

母親的存在 (a mother-like existance)
村上春樹的文体 (a writing style like Haruki Murakami’s)

When 的 is attached to a noun, the ‘noun + 的’ functions like a な-adjective. For example, 積極的 (positive) becomes 積極的な to modify a noun, 積極的に when used as an adverb, and 積極的だ/積極的です when used as a predicate.

Especially in writing, the な between 〜的 and the noun can be omitted, as in the examples above, but it may sound a bit more formal. The word 比較的 is considered an adverb in itself and is often used without に, such as 比較的安い (comparatively cheap).

Comparatively New Uses of 的 :seedling:

As mentioned earlier, 的 has high creative potential, so some usages have been created that deviate from its original use. The following two are relatively new uses of 的. They are commonly used in everyday language, but mainly as slang among young people, be careful when using them!

1. To express ‘from a viewpoint of’ or ‘In terms of’.

デザイン的にはイマイチだな (In terms of design, it’s not great)
私的にもそう思う (I also think so, from my point of view).

Note: 私的 can be used to say your opinion a bit more indirectly by inserting 的, when you want to avoid clearly asserting it.

2. To indicate examples or quotes, meaning ‘something like’.

そんなに難しくない的なこと言ってたよ (They said something like ‘it’s not that tough’)
チョコレートのどか食い的なことはもうやめたんだ (I’ve stopped doing things like binge-eating chocolate).

That’s all about 的 in Japanese, a tricky but useful word that makes Japanese even more ambiguous. See you again next week! From Chihiro :smiley_cat:

過去の投稿/Previous posts

If only nouns would introduce themselves;

“Hello I’m 有効. I’m from China originally. Yes I know to your western eyes I look no different to other kanji, and that dictionaries might not say it, but I’m from China and there’s special rules about my use!”


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Whether a 2-kanji word uses 音読み or is an exception is I guess something we just have to remember on a case by case basis.

Hello I’m 有効

Hmm have I ever heard ゆうこう? Have I ever heard ありきき? Alright, 有効さん, for now you are going into onyomi basket.

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有効さん: ‘Yeah! Thank you for putting me into the right basket! In my case, maybe you can break it down and see if each kanji itself needs okurigana. The kanji in my name require okurigana, like 有る/有り and 効く/効き, so you can conclude that ありきき is kun’yomi! But unfortunately, this is just one of the basic rules, and it doesn’t apply to verbs ending in 〜する or 〜じる, such as 愛する, 会する, 生じる, 感じる, etc… Sorry for being complicated! For some exceptions, we all have to remember on a case by case basis :wink: