伯母と叔母のちがい [どっちシリーズ その10]

[English below]

こんにちは!さてさて、今週もまた木曜日がやって参りました!今日のテーマは、「伯母」と「叔母」。日常的に声には出しても、なかなか書く機会がない漢字です。読み方は両方「おば」ですが、漢字に変換しようとすると「伯母」と「叔母」という二つの候補が出てきて、日本語母語話者でもどちらにすべきか迷います。それも、「違い」を含む検索ワードで「伯母と叔母の違い」が上位にランクインするほど、かなりの人が迷います :sweat_smile:

「伯母」と「叔母」の違いは何? :eyes:



「伯」にも「叔」にも「お」という読み方はないけど…? :thinking:


熟字訓の例、いろいろ :rainbow:


…が、最もいろんな漢字があるのは「いとこ」ではないでしょうか。「いとこ」は、年齢と性別によっていろいろな漢字を当てはめることができます。一般的には「従兄弟」や「従姉妹」と書きます。しかし、自分にとっていとこが年上の男性なら「従兄」、年下の男性なら「従弟」、年上の女性なら「従姉」、年下の女性なら「従妹」と変化します。年齢と性別がまぜこぜの場合はさらにややこしく、「従兄妹」や「従姉弟」とさまざまな組み合わせがあります。日常生活で見たことはありませんが、「従兄弟姉妹」と書くこともできるようです :flushed:

そんなわけで、実は私も自分が伯母になるまでよく知らなかった :see_no_evil:、「伯母」と「叔母」の違いでした!強い台風が来ているので、日本に住む皆さん気をつけましょう…! では、また!千絢 :smiley_cat:


Hello! Another Thursday has come around again. So, today’s theme is the difference between 伯母and 叔母. While you might say these words often, you may not have many chances to write them in kanji in everyday life. Both are read as おば but when you try to convert them into kanji, both 伯母 and 叔母 appear as options. Even native Japanese speakers are unsure of which to use, so much so that the search term ‘difference between 伯母 and 叔母’ ranks high among search results containing 違い ‘difference’, showing that quite a few native get confused :sweat_smile:

What’s the Difference Between 伯母 and 叔母? :eyes:

The difference between the two, is age! From the perspective of a niece or nephew, 伯母 is used for an older sister of their parent, while 叔母 is used for a younger sister. This is due to the fact that in China, siblings were once referred to as 伯, 仲,叔, 季 in order of age. Of course, these rules apply to uncle: 伯父 and 叔父 as well.
Since the distinction is purely about age, whether the aunt is on the father’s or mother’s side doesn’t matter.

If you’re referring to a general おじさん as ‘old man’ or おばさん ‘old woman’ with no blood relation, they are written as 小父さん and 小母さん. However, as these aren’t in the Joyo-kanji list, they are often written in hiragana.

But Neither 伯 nor 叔 Has the Reading ‘O’? :thinking:

If you look at the readings for each kanji, there is no ‘o’ in either one… This is because 伯母 and 叔母 are 熟字訓 - jukujikun. Jukujikun refers to when a compound word made of two or more kanji is given a Japanese kun’yomi of a single Japanese word. Therefore, they are not read literally according to the individual characters.

Various examples of 熟字訓 :rainbow:

There are many examples of jukujikun, such as 今日 (きょう- today), 大人 (おとな - adult), 雪崩 (なだれ - avalanche), 梅雨 (つゆ - rainy season), 小豆 (あずき - red bean), 眼鏡 (めがね - eye glasses), 一二三 (ひふみ - one, two, three), and more.

However, the one with the most variations might be いとこ - cousin. いとこ can be written by combining various kanji based on age and gender. Generally, it’s written as 従兄弟 or 従姉妹. However, if the cousin is an older male, it’s 従兄, a younger male is 従弟, an older female is 従姉, and a younger female is 従妹. If ages and genders are mized, it gets more complicated and is written as 従兄妹 or 従姉弟. It seems you can also write 従兄弟姉妹, but personally, I don’t recall ever seeing that used :flushed:
According to Sanseido’s Shin Meikai Japanese dictionary, 従子 was also traditionally used. And I wonder… why don’t we bring back 従子 as a general term to make it simpler and less confusing? Unless it’s writing for a formal occasion like a wedding or funeral, a cousin’s age and gender aren’t that important in everyday life.

So, I went a little off track, it was the difference between 伯母 and 叔母 that I actually didn’t know well until I became an aunt myself :see_no_evil:!
A strong typhoon is coming, so everyone living in Japan, please stay safe…! See you next time! From Chihiro :smiley_cat:

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