雰囲気:ふんいき?ふいんき?[どっちシリーズ その8]

[English below]

みなさん、今日も日本語の勉強お疲れ様です!私も最近、勉強を兼ねて妹と一緒に漢字の読み方を当てる無料のゲームアプリでよく遊んでいるのですが、「激ムズモード」や「ヘルモード」には普段見ることがない漢字や当て字(例えば、老海鼠、蹶起、懈いなど)がたくさん出てきます。二人で挑んでもなかなか全部クリアできません :sob:

日本語には漢字、そしてそれに対する読み方がたくさんありますが、これだけあると、時に「あれ、この漢字ってこう読むんだっけ?」とわからなくなることも :sweat_smile: そんなとき、私はパソコンの予測変換を使ってさっと確認することがあります。ひらがなを入力して求めていた漢字が出てきたらその読み方は合っているということですが、最近はこの機能が発達し、本来の読み方だけでなく、間違った読み方でも変換できてしまうことがあります(!)その代表的な例が「雰囲気」。








雰囲気という単語を構成する漢字の、「雰」は中学校で、「囲」と「気」は小学校で習います。そのため、小学校では「ふいんき」と言っていても、中学校に上がり「雰」まで習うと「ふんいき」が正しいのだと気づく人もいるようです。しかし、雰囲気の「囲」と「因」がちょっと似ているからか、「雰因気」だと勘違いしてしまう人も。SNSで「雰因気」と検索してみると結構出てきます。読み方はまだしも、「雰因気」は明確に間違いなので、オンライン上で見かけても間違って覚えてしまわないように気をつけましょう :point_up:

以上、日本語母語話者が読み方だけでなく漢字まで間違える「雰囲気」についてでした!いまだに「ふんいき」派が多数ではありますが、「ふいんき」でも十分に伝わりますし、最近はもう一つの読み方として受け入れられつつある感じもします。どちらの読み方でも「雰囲気」に漢字変換できることがその証拠でしょう :grin:

読んでくださりありがとうございました!それでは、また来週!千絢 :smiley_cat:


Hello everyone! おつかれさまです for learning Japanese! Recently, I’ve been playing a free game app with my sister where you guess the readings of kanji for fun and study. In the ‘Super Hard Mode’ or ‘Hell Mode,’ there are many uncommon kanji and readings (like 老海鼠, 蹶起, 懈い) that we don’t usually see. Even when we tackle it together, we can’t quite clear them all :sob:

Japanese language has a lot of kanji and their readings, and sometimes I wonder, ‘Wait, is this how you read this kanji?’ :sweat_smile: When that happens, I often use the predictive kanji conversion function on my computer to quickly check. If I type a word in hiragana and the kanji I’m looking for comes up, it means the reading is correct. However, with the advancement of this feature, it sometimes converts even incorrect readings (!). A typical example of this is 雰囲気.

Correct Reading for 雰囲気

雰囲気 should be read as ふんいき, but many people say ふいんき. Whenever this is brought up as a topic of conversation, there is a fuss like ‘this is a misuse of Japanese!’ According to an NHK survey, about 22% of all respondents actually say ふいんき. Young people often get blamed when it comes to misuse or mispronunciation of words, but in this case, many of the ふいんき users are in their 40s.

Why the Misreading happens?

The reason for this misreading is that ふんいき is a bit tricky to pronounce. Let’s try saying ふんいき out loud, as quickly as possible. Is you did so, doesn’t it sound ambiguous like ふーぃき or ふぃーき, which can be taken either way? With such unclear pronunciation, it’s understandable whey there is confusion about the spelling when writing it down.

Some scholars suggest that the change from ふんいき to ふいんき is a phenomenon called metathesis, where sounds swap places because they are hard to pronounce. For example, 山茶花 (さんざか → さざんか) and 舌鼓 (したつづみ → したづつみ), are typical examples of this transposition of sounds.

Metathesis also frequently happens with children who can’t yet speak well. For example, とうもろこし becomes とうもころし, おかたづけ turns into おたかづけ, and エレベーター is pronounced as エベレーター, and so on. These mistakes are so adorable!

Watch Out for Kanji Mistakes Too!

For the kanji in 雰囲気, 雰 is learned in middle school, while 囲 and 気 are taught in elementary school. So, while students might say ふいんき in elementary school, once they learn 雰 in middle school, they might realize ふんいき is correct. However, because 囲 looks a bit like 因, some people mistakenly write 雰因気. If you search 雰因気 on social media, you’ll find quite a few posts. While the reading might be in a gray zone, 雰因気 is simply incorrect, so please be careful not to remember it wrong if you see it online :point_up:

That’s all about the tricky 雰囲気, where even native Japanese speakers can mix it up not only in reading but also the kanji! While ふんいき is still more common, ふいんき is understandable and seems to be gaining acceptance as an another way of reading the word these days. The fact that you can use both readings to type 雰囲気 in kanji is proof of this! :grin:

Thank you for your reading! See you next week! From Chihiro :smiley_cat:

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