お返事?ご返事? [どっちシリーズ その17]


「お」や「ご」がつくとき :alien:


また、敬語とは関係なく用いられる場合もあります。例えば、子どもに対して使う幼児語「おてて」「おねんね」や、「ご苦労様」のように目上の人が目下の人を労る表現、「おソノさん」のように親愛の気持ちを込めた言い方もあります。それから、「お調子者」や「お高くとまる」など明らかに敬意が感じられない表現もあれば、「おはよう」や「ごめんなさい」、「お袋」や「おにぎり」のように独立した表現・単語として定着したものもあります。た、たくさんある… :sob:

「お」と「ご」の使い分け :robot:










① 全体的に「ご」よりも「お」がつくことの方が多い


「御」の他の読み方 :space_invader:






では、また来週!千絢 :smirk_cat:


Hello! お疲れ様です on your continuing Japanese studies. Today, I’d like to explain how to differentiate between the prefixes お and ご when they are attached to nouns.

When do you use お or ご? :alien:

The prefixes お and ご are Keigo (the honorific language). They are attached to nouns to show respect to the listener or to refine a word itself. We have 尊敬語 (respectful words) like お気持ち (your feelings) and ご自身 (gojishin - yourself), 謙譲語 (humble expressions) like ご挨拶 (goaisatsu - my greetings) and お手紙 (otegami - my letter), and 美化語 (beautified words) such as お水 (omizu - water) and お花 (ohana - flower). In such cases, words can stand alone even if お or ご is removed.

There are also cases where they are used unrelated to Keigo. For example, おてて (hands) or おねんね (sleep) are children use words, ご苦労様 (gokurou sama - thank you for your hard work) is used by a superior to a subordinate with appreciation, and おソノさん (Ms. Sono) is used for someone with affection. There are expressions that clearly lack respect like お調子者 (ochoushi mono - thoughtless person) or お高くとまる (otakakutomaru - to be high self-importance). Additionally, phrases and words like おはよう (good morning), ごめんなさい (I’m sorry), お袋 (ohukuro - mother), or おにぎり (rice ball) are treated as single standalone expressions. There are so many… :sob:

How to differentiate お and ご :robot:

Now let’s focus on the use of Keigo. The basic rule for using お and ご is to use お for Japanese origin words (kun’yomi) and ご for Chinese origin words (on’yomi). Let’s look at some examples:

Team お:
お昼 (ohiru - lunch/afternoon), お名前 (onamae - name), お皿 (osara - plate), お金 (okane - money), お魚 (osakana - fish), お年玉 (otoshidama - new year’s gift of money), お体 (okarada - body)

Team ご:
ご飯 (gohan - rice/meal), ご住所 (gojuusyo - address), ご案内 (goannai - guide/information), ご結婚 (gokekkon - marriage), ご迷惑 (gomeiwaku - inconvenience/trouble), ご希望 (gokibou - request/hope)

It gets tricky as there are ‘team either’. ご返事 and お返事 in the title belong to this team.

Team Either:
ご返事 / お返事 (o/go henji - reply), お気分 / ご気分 (o/go kibun - mood), お病気 / ご病気 (o/go byouki - illness), お誕生 / ご誕生 (o/go tanjou - birth)

When both お and ご can be used, generally it can be said that お sounds softer and is more colloquial, while ご can sound formal and often used in writing or business settings. However, there is no strict rule for them.

Now, the ‘team exceptions’ complicate things further. While the only exceptions of using ご for Japanese origin words are ごもっとも (indeed) and ごゆっくり (take your time), there are many exceptions of お with Chinese origin words, particularly when used as 美化語.

Team Exceptions:
お弁当 (obentou - lunch box), お中元 (ochuugen - mid-year gift), お歳暮 (oseibo - year-end gift), お電話 (odenwa - phone call), お化粧 (okesyou - make-up), お料理 (oryouri - cooking), お散歩 (osanpo - walk), お線香 (osenkou - incense), お砂糖 (osatou - sugar), お肉 (oniku - meat), お野菜 (oyasai - vegetable)

Although there are many exceptions, we can say that there are two tendencies:

(1) お is used more frequently than ご overall
(2) Chinese origin nouns with お often refer to familiar and tangible items (related everyday life)

In particular, food tends to have お attached. This might be a remnant of the 女房詞 (nyoubou kotoba), words used by court ladies in medieval Japan, where court ladies serving emperors or nobility would attach お to various words including to food, body parts, and other items. Today, お is considered elegant and refined, so women prefer using it in everyday life, it seems to be related to this 女房詞 if we trace the origin.

Other Readings of 御 :space_invader:

Additionally, the kanji 御 can be read in ways other than お and ご. There are おん (on), み (mi), and ぎょ (gyo). Particularly, み and ぎょ are very limited when used. Here, let me briefly introduce them!

おん readings:
御社 (onsya - your company), 御校 (onkou - your school), 御中 (onchu - Messrs./Attn.), 御曹司 (onzoushi - a young nobleman or son of a wealthy family)

み readings:
御心 (mikokoro - God’s heart/spirit), 御仏 (mihotoke - Buddha), 御手洗 (mitarashi - a place at shrine where visitors wash their hands and mouths for purification), 御籤 (mikuji - sacred lottery)

ぎょ readings:
御意 (gyoi - as you wish), 御苑 (gyoen - imperial garden), 御慶 (gyokei - congratulations)

The distinction between the use of お and ご has not yet been properly organized, and in many cases, it is explained as an ‘exceptions’ or ‘customary expressions’. There are more interesting exceptions, but let’s leave it at this for today.

See you next week! From Chihiro :smirk_cat:

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